What does the -6db/octave mean? - Physics Forums
Oct 2, 2011 · 6 db per octave means that every time the frequency is doubled/halved the output VOLTAGE is doubled/halved. Also, what nascentoxygen is saying...is half true. It does fall at -3db at the break frequency (1/ square root of 2 = .7) ( 20 LOG . 7 = -3 db)...but I don't think this equates to -6 db per deca. If it does...prove it.
First Order Passive Crossovers, 6 dB per Octave - the12volt.com
How to construct high pass, low pass, and narrow band pass 6dB per octave crossover filters and crossover networks.
Why do the orders of hi/low pass filters go in 6 dB increments?
Oct 14, 2015 · The 6 dB per octave roll-off is simply an approximation of the properties of the first order RC circuit - low pass filter design, i.e. it is not a convention or related to the fact that it is the double of 3 dB.
Why is first order limited to 6db/octave? | Audiokarma Home …
Jan 4, 2025 · What I'm trying to understand is why it is that a single component, whether capacitor or inductor, is necessarily 6db/octave. I spent a few minutes with chatgpt last night, since I've had a good experience in learning basic stuff like what a speaker's sensitivity means, what a crossover is, etc.
Let dB be the slope with units of dB/octave from the lower frequency to the higher frequency. The formula is: log 2 dB/10 2 1 1 2 f f y y (1) Note that if the result for y1 seems either ridiculously high or low then the polarity of dB
Properties of DB Scales - Stanford University
A function which is proportional to is said to fall off dB per octave. That is, for every factor of in (every ``octave''), the amplitude drops close to dB. Thus, 6 dB per octave is the same thing as 20 dB per decade.
20dB/decade vs 6dB per octave - Loop Stability
Jun 25, 2021 · First of all -20dB/decade and -6dB/octave represent exactly the same slope. They are effectively the same thing. For the system to be stable when the loop is closed, the open loop phase lag should be significantly less than -180 degrees when the loop gain is 1 (unity).
Should the slope of your filter be 6, 12, 18 or 24 dB per octave?
Aug 13, 2019 · A 6dB per octave slope is useful for gentle shaping - a little less bright, a little less heavy, depending on whether the filter is high-pass or low-pass. 12 dB/octave is more useful in a creative musical context. 18 dB/octave even more so as you can cut out great swathes of frequencies and hear hardly anything that you don't want left behind.
Octave vs Decade: What's the Difference? - Physics Forums
May 5, 2017 · So using the first formula for amplitude in dB, you can see that a 10X increase over A0 will give you 20dB, and hence for a single pole rolloff, you will get 20dB per decade of frequency change. For a doubling, you will get 6dB per octave of frequency change.
How to prove that 20 db per decade is equivalent to 6db per octave?
Octave: A doubling or halving, usually applied to frequency. A GAIN ROLL-OFF RATE of 6dB/octave defines a change of 6 dB for each doubling or halving of frequency. Note that 20 dB/decade is equivalent to 6 dB/octave. Decade: A 10:1 increase or decrease of a variable, usually frequency.