Positive 6 DPO?? - The Bump
Apr 21, 2012 · I'm betting you actually ovulated earlier and you aren't really 6DPO. Usually, implantation doesn't even occur until 7 to 10 DPO anyway. So, if you are just counting days …
5-6DPO and no CM. Not a good sign? - The Bump
Hi ladies! I'm reading everywhere that around this time, if you are having lots of CM, then it's a good sign. However, I'm not having any, as a matter of fact, drier than I usually a
Achy legs at 6 dpo - The Bump
So many things wrong with this post. First, we don't symptom spot here. If you are pregnant enough to have symptoms, you are pregnant enough to turn a test positive, which is not …
6dpo EWCM stretchy! Good sign? - The Bump
Last time i was pregnant, (ended in miscarriage) it was my first sign, but later than 6dpo. Thank you ladies i appreciate the responses. I read the newbie guide and opinions on the bump in …
BFN at 6DPO - The Bump
OMG! Hang in there girlie!! Not everyone gets a +HPT at 6dpo!!! If you felt the egg and sperm meet, just retest tomorrow-I bet you will get your BFP!!!
Is Pink Discharge Normal? Here’s What It Can Mean - What to Expect
It’s also possible that you’ll mistake pink spotting for a light period, though once you determine that you’re in early pregnancy, bear in mind that some cramping or spotting is normal as a …
Who got their BFP on a Wondfo? - The Bump
Aug 6, 2011 · I got a positive on a Wondfo at 6DPO. It then was fainter for the next 2-3 days, and on 9DPO was definitely visible. 9DPO is when I got a positive on a Clear Blue Early Digital. …
6dpo and a couple drinks? — The Bump
TTC #1 since August 2011 My Blog September 2012: Start IF testing DH (32): SA is ok, slightly low morph, normal SCSA Me (32): Slightly low progesterone, hostile CM, carrier for CF, …
If you spotted before your BFP, come in... - The Bump
If you experienced spotting during your LP before getting your BFP, what was it like? I am currently spotting at 6dpo... i really don't have any delusions that this is the mythical …
Question: 6 DPO & Just got a yeast infection — The Bump
So today I'm 6DPO (feel free to look at my chart--there's a link in my siggy) and I just got a yeast infection. I only ever get yeast infections when I take antibiotics and I'm not on antibiotics right …