Which Heater Is Best For My 65 Gallon Tank? | Heater Forum
2019年1月29日 · The larger the temperature differential, the larger the required heater is needed for a given size tank. My 75 gallon tank does just fine with a 250watt heater, but that heater might be inadequate if the tank was in a basement in Michigan during a winter Artic blast.
Best mbuna set up for 65 gallon tank | Cichlid Forum
2012年12月2日 · On my 75 Gallon, for example, I have 2 Aqua Clear 110's and 1 Aqua Clear 70. It pushes towards 1,800 Gallons per Hour, which is around 20 times the tank water (roughly). Ideally, you want to make sure you at LEAST have a turnout of about 8-9 times for your Mbuna tank. Mbunas love, love, love clean and current-like water.
Lighting ideas for 65 gallon tank? | Aquarium Plants Forum
2019年12月14日 · I've been trying to plan my next tank, and man... lighting is confusing. I was hoping I could get some help. I'm getting a 65 gallon tank, 18.4 in L x 36.4 in W x 25 in H. I definitely want something with adjustable brightness, that's capable of giving me some good high lighting. other than that I have no idea. Any help would be appreciated.
65 Gallon Tank Filter Advice For 65 Gallon Tank - FishLore …
2019年5月9日 · Always best to have slower water flow over your media than more, so the water stays in contact with the media longer to promote maximum bacteria growth and still keeps good water movement in your tank. With that said… Your 65 gallon tank should have about 520 - 650 gph for best results. I personally use Sunsun canisters and Seachem Tidal HOBs.
55 gallon tank vs 65 gallon tank? | Freshwater Tank Equipment …
2015年9月22日 · 55 gallon tank vs 65 gallon tank? Y. yogosans14 Active Member. Member. Messages 193. Sep 22, 2015 #1
65 gallon filtration help | Aquarium Filter Forum - FishLore …
2019年12月24日 · JettsPapa , In my opinion, 2 Aquaclear 50's probably would be undersized for a 65 gallon tank. A single AC70 would be tough as well. I would suggest an Aquaclear 110 (or Tidal 110) + a large sponge filter at a minimum.
How Many Goldfish in 65 gallon tank? | Goldfish Forum
2017年1月1日 · What's most important is your filters gph, you want it to turn over at least 10 x your tank capacity. 10x is being extra safe. It's a hard balance to walk heh! Either way your goldies will thank you! I have one currently in a 20 gallon long and he is a poop machine even for a baby! And I am running a AquaClear 70 on his tank with two sponge ...
65 Gallon Build | Freshwater Aquarium Builds Forum
2020年3月1日 · Tank: 65 Gallon Aqueon Ensemble Filters: 2 Marineland Penguin Pro 275 HOB 300 Watt heater 50 lbs Estes Stoney River Substrate Planned Stocking: 6 Silver Hatchets 6 Glass Catfish 20 Harlequin Rasbora 8 Bronze Cory 1 Albino Bristlenose Pleco …
Centerpiece cichlid for a 65 gallon | Cichlid Forum
2023年2月2日 · For a 65 - depends a bit on the dimension and water hardness but some options might be severum, chocholate cichild (while young), angelfish, rainbow cichild, nannacara amolae (kind of small but larger than cockatoo - depends on the tank is hex or rectangle), hongsloi, jack dempsy (kind of aggressive); if your water is harder there are some nice central america mid …
Heater for 65 gallon? | Heater Forum - fishlore.com
2020年1月8日 · For example, an Aqueon Pro 250w heater works perfect in our 75 gallon tank kept at 78°f. But I live in South Texas, and it doesn't get very cold here. Just a guess, but a 65g usually needs between a 250 and 300w heater.