FN 5.7×28mm - Wikipedia
The FN 5.7×28mm (designated as the 5.7×28 by the C.I.P. [7] and FN 5.7×28mm NATO [9]) is a small-caliber, high-velocity, smokeless-powder, rebated, non-tapered, bottleneck, centerfire cartridge designed for pistols and personal defense weapons (PDW) uses, manufactured by …
The 8 Best 5.7 Guns On The Market in 2025 - TheGunZone
2025年2月5日 · A 5.56 NATO bullet will easily penetrate a Kevlar vest at several hundred meters. The 5.7 is not and was never intended to be a battle rifle cartridge. When one looks at the relative energy between the 9mm and 5.7, the 9mm comes out higher. The key to the difference in penetration rests both in the bullet and the velocity it is traveling.
FNP90式5.7mm枪弹 - 百度百科
FNP90式5.7mm枪弹是比利时国营赫斯塔尔公司于80年代中期开始、仍在研制中的一种枪弹,配用于该公司同时研制的P90式单兵自卫武器。 该弹又称5.7×28mm枪弹,普通弹正式型号为SS90式。
Best 5.7x28mm Guns & Ammo [Range-Tested] - Pew Pew Tactical
2024年6月23日 · FN's 5.7x28mm round is experiencing a renaissance with new pistols and rifles. We go over our top picks of 5.7 guns plus the best available ammo choices.
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世界主流军用弹药科普(6)——两种PDW弹药上:5.7*28mm - 哔 …
2020年7月19日 · 经过法国、加拿大、美国、英国的专家论证之后,一直认为FN的5.7*28mm是“毫无疑问的”更优选择。 NATO团队指出,5.7*28mm比4.6*30mm: ①在对于无防护目标时有更高的效率(高出27%) ②对极端温度环境有更好的适应性. ③更低的潜在枪管磨损风险. ④远距离上更好的存能. ⑤形制接近5.56NATO,便于在已有生产线上展开生产. ⑥已有成熟、完整的武器系统(指P90和Five-seveN,此时HK发射4.6*30mm的UCP手枪还在概念阶段) 在可靠性测试 …
子弹科普:5.7X28MM - 哔哩哔哩
2023年2月22日 · FN 5.7×28mm 是比利时埃斯塔勒国营工厂(法语:Fabrique Nationale Herstal,简称FN Herstal)为个人防卫武器而研发的子弹,以配合当时FN研发的FN P90个人防护武器,也是第一款专为个人防卫武器而设计、达到北约对个人防卫武器要求的子弹。使用有肩部、缩口的瓶状弹壳 ...
FN Five-seven - Wikipedia
The FN Five-seven (stylized as Five-seveN) is a semi-automatic pistol designed and manufactured by FN Herstal in Belgium. [8] . The pistol is named for the 5.7×28mm cartridge's bullet diameter, and the trademark's capitalization style is intended to emphasize the manufacturer's initials— FN. [14]
5.7x28mm弹药 ——〖枪炮世界〗
SS90弹采用小口径细长弹头和瓶颈形弹壳,口径为5.7×28mm(实测为5.56mm),射击时后坐力低、弹头初速850m/s,射程和穿透力都比手枪弹大。 用 P90 发射 SS90 弹, 30m 距离上可以穿透北约标准的厚低碳钢板, 150m 距离上可以穿透 48 层凯夫拉, 175m 距离可以穿透美军 ...
PR57 | 5.7mm Rotary Barrel Pistol | 20 Round Capacity - KelTec
The KelTec® PR57 is a compact concealed carry pistol chambered in 5.7x28mm. Featuring a rotary barrel and a top-loading design, it’s ultra-lightweight and maintains an impressive 20-round capacity.
low velocity. The 5.7mm NATO cartridge fires an aerodynamically shaped small diameter, lightweight projectile at high velocity. This is the way that rifle cartridges are designed. Hit The 5.7mm was designed for an effective range of 200m from a shoulder-fired weapon. The intrinsic accuracy of the cartridge is therefore more than sufficient