eCFR :: Title 5 of the CFR -- Administrative Personnel
View Title 5 on govinfo.gov; These links go to the official, published CFR, which is updated annually. As a result, it may not include the most recent changes applied to the CFR. Learn more.
eCFR :: 5 CFR Chapter I -- Office of Personnel Management
View Title 5 on govinfo.gov; These links go to the official, published CFR, which is updated annually. As a result, it may not include the most recent changes applied to the CFR. Learn more.
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR): Title 5…
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR): Title 5—Administrative Personnel . CFR ; prev | next. CHAPTER I—OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT (Subchapters A - C) CHAPTER II—MERIT SYSTEMS PROTECTION BOARD (Subchapter A) CHAPTER III—OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET (Subchapters A - C)
Title 5 - Administrative Personnel - Code of Federal Regulations
Title 5 of the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations.
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) Title 5—Administrative Personnel; CHAPTER I—OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT
Title 5 of the Code of Federal Regulations - Wikipedia
CFR Title 5 – Administrative Personnel is one of fifty titles comprising the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), containing the principal set of rules and regulations issued by federal agencies regarding administrative personnel.
- [PDF]
Title 5
The e-CFR is a regularly updated, unofficial editorial compilation of CFR ma- terial and Federal Register amendments, produced by the Office of the Federal Register and the Government Publishing Office.
LoS: 5 CFR | National Archives
2025年1月16日 · List of Subjects revised as of October 1, 2024. 5 CFR Part 1_Coverage and definitions (Rule I). 5 CFR Part 2_Appointment through the competitive service; related matters (Rule II). 5 CFR Part 3_Noncompetitive acquisition of status (Rule III). 5 CFR Part 4_Prohibited practices (Rule IV).
5 CFR Subpart C - Subpart C—Details of Employees
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) Title 5—Administrative Personnel; CHAPTER I—OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT; SUBCHAPTER B—CIVIL SERVICE REGULATIONS; PART 300—EMPLOYMENT (GENERAL) Subpart C—Details of Employees
eCFR :: 5 CFR Part 250 -- Personnel Management in Agencies
Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 1103 (c), this subpart defines a set of systems, including standards and metrics, for assessing the management of human capital by Federal agencies.