Recommendation for .45 acp Semi-Wad Cutter Bullets - Bullseye …
2023年12月3日 · Re: Recommendation for .45 acp Semi-Wad Cutter Bullets by SingleActionAndrew 12/10/2023, 10:27 am JGW006 wrote: Follow up question - One of my 1911s is a Springfield Range Officer.
What .45 ACP Bullet - Bullseye Forum
2014年6月24日 · The preferred 45 acp bullets of bullseye, are lead semi wad cutter's in 160, 185 and 200 grain, available from a huge number of sources. Magnus bullet's has a good selection at fair prices. The next preferred but at a greater expense would be the 185 full metal jacket hollow points, best source zero bullets or nosler.
45 ACP Loads - Bullseye Forum
2019年8月11日 · I have a couple of questions regarding reloads for 45 ACP 1911 Bullseye loads. We, my son and I, shoot bullseye matches in Arizona. Slow fire is at reduces 50 yard targets at 25 yards. We are currently using Missouri Bullet company 185 SWC coated bullets and 3.6 grs. BE.
Bob's Bullets - 45 ACP 160gn SWC - Bullseye Forum
2018年12月18日 · Just received the bullets. Ordered them at the suggestion of Dave Salyer who’s been using the 160 gr bullets with 4.5 grains of Bullseye powder for years at both the 25’ and 50’ lines with great results.
.45 ACP Coated Bullets - Bullseye Forum
2023年6月10日 · I have loaded and fired many thousands of Bayou and Brazos Hitek coated bullets in .45 acp, .38 spl, 9mm and .38 Super. They are among the cleanest burning/shooting bullets I have ever used, including jacketed. My load experience is target loads using WST, WSF, Clays, VV N310 and VV N320.
.45 ACP expanders and swaged bullets - Page 2
2024年10月22日 · Re: .45 ACP expanders and swaged bullets by SingleActionAndrew 11/11/2024, 10:19 am With the Redding dual ring 45acp sizer and Photoescape PTU for SWCs and Redding micro adjust crimp die with 0.464" crimp, when I pull the Zero 185gr swchp (same shank length as the 200) the bases still measure 0.452 as well.
Nosler Competition 185 gr. JHP .45 ACP Bullets - Bullseye Forum
2014年10月3日 · Re: Nosler Competition 185 gr. JHP .45 ACP Bullets by DavidR 10/6/2014, 12:24 pm Yes cost is the most limiting factor to most, but they are used by many more people than you think, many opt to shoot them at 50 yds and lead at 25. as for barrel wear, I have seen and know of many shooters with in the tens of thousands of rounds of fmj that are ...
45 ACP loads with Zero 185 JHP… - Bullseye Forum
2023年9月4日 · Wobbley wrote:I’m going to load some 185 JHP Zero bullets (bought thru Magnus)…I’m planning on using them in my Clark Hardballer in Service Pistol category. I’d be interested in anybody’s favorite loads with these bullets. I have the following powders: Bullseye, WST, 452AA, N310.
Nosler .45 bullets - bullseyeforum.net
2024年11月20日 · Zero makes two different 451 185 gr JHP bullets The R187 is conical similar to the Nosler-The R185 is a more traditional profile-Roze Distribution: 45 ACP (.451 DIAMETER) Has anyone tried the Atlanta Arms 45 185 gr JHP bullets? SCI / .45 185 Grain JHP - Atlanta Arms
Newbie question, which bullet for .45 ACP .451 or .452? - Bullseye …
2024年8月20日 · I currently shoot factory .45 ACP but have ordered a progressive press for pistol rounds. I don't understand the significance between .451 and .452 bullets. I looked in the forum search function but didn't find an answer. As a newbie, I would not think there would be much difference in performance of a .001 diameter.