4017 and 4060 against a CD4017 and CD4060 | All About Circuits
2024年12月10日 · A 4060 and a 4017 is a 4060 and a 4017, regardless of whether the prefix is CD or MC1 or HCF or HEF. They are just the prefixes of different manufacturers. To get accurate timing you should use the crystal timing circuit instead of the R/C version, although to get a 1Hz output pulse with a 32768 Hz watch crystal you will need to add an extra ...
How to make a 20 LED chaser with 4017 - All About Circuits
2024年4月28日 · Single 4017 with each output connected to two resistors each connected to two LED anodes but their cathodes connected to two different transistor collectors. A single rising edge flip flop to drive into the base (via a resistor) of one or other of the transistors.
Using 4017 with high output current - All About Circuits
2011年6月23日 · A/B/C truth table control by using the 4017: Red LED's Running Lights Using 4017 and 555 Astable Timer With Variable Resistance 0-1KΩ: using 555 and 4017 to cycle 7 LED's: Using 4017 as a single LED flasher: LED Dice using 555 and 4017 problem
4017 IC In PROTEUS - All About Circuits
2017年11月20日 · 4017 and 4060 against a CD4017 and CD4060: General Electronics Chat: 16: Dec 10, 2024: K: Various 4017 Things. Digital Design: 131: Dec 8, 2024: K: Dual 4017's alert !!!! General Electronics Chat: 42: Jul 19, 2024: How to make a 20 LED chaser with 4017 ? Digital Design: 72: Apr 28, 2024: IC 4017 output modification: Digital Design: 42: Apr 8, 2024
Cascading 4017's question - All About Circuits
2010年11月15日 · The left-hand 4017 doesn't always start on Q1 (the left-hand Q0 is dedicated to the Reset pin on the right-hand 4017) nor do the outputs always run in sequence. I only need 4 of the outputs on the right-hand 4017 (for a total of 12 outputs), so I have its Q5 connected to the Reset on the left-hand 4017.
4017 decade Counter modification - All About Circuits
The way the 4017 counter works is that it turns the next output on for each clock cycle. For example, if output 0 is on, on the next clock cycle, output 0 will be off and output 1 will be on instead. My question is : is there another IC that does …
4017 driving MOSFETs - All About Circuits
2014年10月31日 · The 4017 can directly drive MOSFETs depending upon the frequency and Vdd. Standard MOSFETs require a Vgs of 10V to fully turn on. Logic-level MOSFETs require 5V or, in some devices, 3V to fully turn on.
4017 reset pin - All About Circuits
2017年6月28日 · Good day. I have a question in regards to the 4017 counter ic. I understand the reset pin needs to be low for counting to proceed and high to reset, however I have a circuit in mind that I would like to do that uses the 4017 to process short pulses. I need it to be reset for each pulse and the outputs will vary from pulse to pulse.
LTspice model for CD4017? - All About Circuits
2014年10月27日 · I'm unsure of the inputs to the 4017 symbol. I've gone to the Yahoo group to get the CD4000_v.lib file, the CD4000 symbols folder and the instructions, and I have successfully added the symbol and model to my project. But the I don't get what those 3 inputs are. I need Reset, Clock and Enable.
using the CD4017 as a one touch relay switcher? - All About Circuits
2010年3月16日 · With a 4017 Johnson counter, one output is always high, the rest are always low. When power is first applied, the counter may be in a random state; any one of the outputs may be high. If you want to make certain that they are all off when you power it up, connect an 0.1uF capacitor from the RESET input (pin 15) to Vdd (+V).