Buying a Bayliner 3288 - Anything I should look out for?
Hey all, I am under contract for a 1990 Bayliner 3288, and wanted to query the collective mind on things to watch out for. Just for a note I just had an inspection and sea trial with a SAMS inspector yesterday, and they sent off oil and transmission fluid samples for testing. The boat has been sitting in dry storage for the
3288, 3258 Owners List - BAYLINER OWNERS CLUB
Jul 14, 2018 · 1991 Bayliner 3288 purchased February 2017 from Kehl, Germany on the Rhine opposite Strasbourg. Started life in Adriatic, then Holland and Germany on inland waterways. Really nicely restored in approx 2009, then left to rot in industrial port, surrounded by scrap metal yards. Now smiling again in St Malo, Bretagne, France.
3288 - new version?-gctid744621 - BAYLINER OWNERS CLUB
Jun 19, 2016 · Bayliner sold 3000+ 32xx's. And I own one, and I love it.. If someone took that basic design, copied it, updated it, rounded the hard edges, hardened the soft
3288 bayliners owners - BAYLINER OWNERS CLUB
1990 Bayliner 3288. Twin 135 Hinos. Westshore Marina Gig Harbor, WA *1975 Glasply 135 Evinrude E-Tec mounted on an Armstrong Engine mount. Greater Puget Sound *1992 Ski Nautique 351 Ford Lake Tapps, WA
3288, 3388, and 3688, which one?? Oh ya and the 3488-gctid544169
3288's (had one about 10 years ago) great layout but, I didn't want the maint and upkeep of all the teak, reliable and fuel efficient, hard to find really nice ones and when you do they are close to 50K, insides have traditional look and feel with all the teak but headroom is less than ideal for over 6' people, soft chines didn't bother me but ...
3288 Forward Bilge Review/Feedback-gctid803068
Apr 12, 2017 · I kindly request your honest feedback regarding the general look & feel of this fwd bilge. This belongs to a 3288 (Year '90), pictures are taken from the service lid on the floor (in front of the toilet door) towards the bow. Initially there was plenty of water there (and no bilge pump) so I had to dry it manually.
3288 shower taps, leaks, access, replacement?-gctid804402
Bayliner 3288 Motoryacht, 1991. Twin Hino 150hp diesels. Purchased 23 February 2017. Comment. Post Cancel.
3288 Buying Advice - Manicoolers-gctid808700 - BAYLINER …
May 12, 2017 · Basically said that any Hint 150 with 2000+ hours needs new manicoolers. That potential bill scares the heck out of me. I see many 3288's with 1900-3000 hrs with original manicoolers here in the PacNW, so I don't know how seriously to take this advice. It will make or break my buying decision.
Help with 3288 Side Window Leaks - BAYLINER OWNERS CLUB
Oct 16, 2018 · 1988- 3288, 1994- 3288, now Soul Asset: 2001- 3788 w/330s. Comment. Post Cancel. Previous 1 2 template Next.
Oct 26, 2023 · Current: 2022 Sun Tracker Sport Fish 22 XP3 w/ Mercury 200 2000 Bayliner 3388 Cummins 4bta 250s (SOLD 2020) 2000 Bayliner 2858 MCM 7.4 MPI B3 (SOLD 2018)