Do cats drink more in winter? | TheCatSite
Feb 27, 2017 · To those who care for feral or stray cats in an outdoor environment: Do you notice that cats tend to drink more in winter than they do in summer? I have three outdoor cats in my …
Are wolf spiders dangerous to cats? | TheCatSite
Jun 29, 2013 · Title is self explanitory. I have a big ole’ wolf spider roaming my bedroom (which is in the basement), which is the room where my Simon stays. I have arachnophobia (really any …
How long does a 12 lb bag of kibble last? | TheCatSite
Jul 13, 2021 · I'm buying food for my kitty and I was wondering how long a 12 lb bag would last. She gets 2/3 of a cup daily in total.
How close together can a female cat have 2 litters? | TheCatSite
May 28, 2002 · I read in a book about cats that in fact females can carry two different litters at the same time, that arent the same age. That is she can get pregnant and while pregnant, go in …
Two litters at the same time | TheCatSite
Apr 29, 2013 · Some kitties can breed a few days apart and have two separate litters. But usually there's not too much of a time difference between the labor of both litters, so it should be …
SubQ Fluids Causing Overhydration | TheCatSite
Jul 21, 2015 · I began giving my Tigger 75ml SubQ fluids, 2 days on, then one off a week ago, due to a Creatinine level of 4.9. Her Creatinine went down to 3.0, but she stopped eating and …
How To Solve Litterbox Problems In Cats [The Ultimate Guide]
Jul 26, 2014 · Litterbox problems in cats can turn a peaceful home into a battlefield. Our comprehensive guide uncovers the why behind these issues and offers expert tips to prevent …
Tripod Cat Problem | TheCatSite
Nov 9, 2018 · Good morning everyone! So months ago me and my girlfriend adopted the sweetest cat I've ever met. He has 3 legs and no sense of anger. The only problem we face is the cat …
When And How To Switch To A New Type Of Litter [Step By Step …
Feb 10, 2014 · Switching the litter should be a gradual process. Here's how to do it right: Step 1: Start Slow Make it a gradual change. Gradually add some of the new litter to your litter box …
Litter recommendation to reduce ammonia | TheCatSite
Jan 3, 2024 · Vinegar. Ammonia is an alkaline substance. Vinegar contains acetic acid. Acids are the opposite of alkaline and will neutralize each other. Mixing acidic vinegar with alkanine, …