WARRIOR: 1PN138 - Night vision for Russians | SPARTANAT
The Ratnik 1PN138 night vision device, also known as the MN120, is a critical tool for the Russian military during night operations in Ukraine. With its Gen 3 performance, it offers a wide field of view, long battery life, and modern tube technology.
1PN138 | RHS: Status Quo - docs.rhsmods.org
The 1PN138 is a multi-purpose night vision monocular developed by the NPO Valday. This device is used by the RU military and special forces for a range of applications, including tactical operations, surveillance, and navigation.
1pn138 - spartanat.com
The Ratnik 1PN138 night vision device, also known as the MN120, is a critical tool for the Russian military during night operations in Ukraine. With its Gen 3 performance, it offers a wide field of view, long battery life, and modern tube technology. With your registration, you confirm that you have read the privacy policy.
当代毛子装备的单兵夜视仪 - 哔哩哔哩
1PN138可以说是近年来上镜最多的毛子自产夜视仪了,最早出现于“战士”系统的宣传中。 目前可确认应用该款夜视仪的单位,国防系有VDV,SSO,强力部门中FSB TSSN有装备。 根据国外网友的测评,1PN138光学性能不输于PVS14,所配GEN3增像管也能达到O6水平,当然价格也达到了PVS14的水平。 绿人装备的1PN138. 这也是绿人装备的1PN138. SSO在叙利亚使用1PN138 …
Night Vision - RussianOptics
Shown is a Russian built unit made in 1992 but it was designed and widely issued before the fall of the USSR. At first glance, it appears to be identical to the 1PN34 but there are significant differences in weight, electronics and image quality.
2021年5月19日 · 厂商标称1PN138达到了GEN3+的水平,我也把玩了友人的PVS14,基本水平差不多。 但是138的总体重量及远距离的分辨率要优于PVS14, 因为两个国家军队的需求不一样。 总体而言,1PN138总体的性能还算让人满意,并不比欧美同类产品差。 下面放送一些实际使用 …
RATNIK: 1PN138 – Nachtsicht für Russen - spartanat.com
The 1PN138 is the standard night vision device that belongs to the Ratnik. This is the complete set with helmet and additional weapon mount. 1PN138 is the Ratnik designation, MN120 is what the manufacturer calls it.
Russia Valdai 1PN138 GEN III Night Vision Monocular . Ratnik , SSO
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Russia Valdai 1PN138 GEN III Night Vision Monocular . Ratnik , SSO at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
1PN138 NVGs still displayed in FPS #763 - GitHub
2024年4月28日 · The russian 1PN138 NVGs (and/or the helmet) stay displayed in first person view and will prevent the player from correctly seeing their environment and aiming their weapon. Anothing of note is that it is currently possible to "bypass the...
【俄罗斯联邦武装力量】1PN138 三代夜视仪开箱简评_哔哩哔 …
俄罗斯联邦武装力量 1pn138 三代夜视仪开箱简评, 视频播放量 2982、弹幕量 4、点赞数 135、投硬币枚数 19、收藏人数 113、转发人数 10, 视频作者 东毒西邪911, 作者简介 小黄鱼同名小店欢迎光顾 既专业又业余的装备测评选手 大家一起交流共同进步,相关视频 ...
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