Melody FM Online Radio
Melody FM is a Chinese-language online radio, operated by Astro Radio Sdn Bhd broadcasts at 103.0 FM from Kuala Lumpur. The station is designed for the listeners aged 25-49 years and plays the old Chinese hits from the 1970s to the 2000s and some new easy listening music.
Strv 103-0 | War Thunder Wiki
The Strv 103 is a heavily angled tank, with relatively thin armour but a 77-degree slope. This allows the tank bounce most conventional shells like APCBC and even APDS, however it is very vulnerable to HEAT and HEAT-FS projectiles, since those are able to penetrate the tank with ease, and even if the crew is not injured, disabling the engine or ...
103-0是萌新时期拿来单车开线的,所以环境虽然比103c好很多kd却依旧只有3.5,而103c的kd都被杀上4了. 远距离挺好用的。 但是为啥撞到障碍物,在移动起来,就感觉有2-3秒没任何反应? 然后只要地面不平,那个炮也太抖了吧,经常不知道打到哪里去了。 strv103-0,曾经7.7的狙神。 权重调整之前7.7班长率奇高,往往能用小钢针和激光测距仪暴打二战遗佬。 分房权重调整后,103的分房红利不复存在,大概有2/3的概率会被拉进8.7及以上的分房,其游戏环境变差了不是一点两 …
Strv 103-0 - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The Stridsvagn 103 (strv 103), also known as the S-Tank, was a Swedish post-war main battle tank. It was known for its unconventional design: it was turretless with a fixed gun traversed by engaging the tracks and elevated by adjusting the hull suspension.
Strv103主战坦克 - 百度百科
Strv103 主战坦克 简称为S坦克,是瑞典陆军兵器局在50年代设计、60年代生产的一种无炮塔型主战坦克。 Strv103主战坦克是由1958年瑞典的博福斯公司研究设计,1960年瑞典陆军将其命名为Strv 103型坦克, [8] 1966年起装备 瑞典 陆军,至1971年共装备了300辆,现仍在服役,但早已停止生产。 Strv-103的车重被限制在37吨以下,因为瑞典河流、湖泊多北部地区沼泽遍布,必须靠桥梁连结两岸;此外,全年许多时间气候严寒,大地被厚重的积雪覆盖。 如果坦克太重,在松 …
【战争雷霆】瑞典铲车——Strv 103-0主战坦克深度解析_哔哩哔 …
本期介绍的是瑞典V级礼包载具——Strv 103-0主战坦克。, 视频播放量 201518、弹幕量 1333、点赞数 5006、投硬币枚数 1360、收藏人数 833、转发人数 382, 视频作者 院长今天又划水, 作者简介 视频/直播通知群→529482983,相关视频:论如何从正面击毁103(大嘘),【战雷 ...
Melody FM Malaysia Online - Radioonline.my
Listen to Melody FM via radioonline.my. With a simple click you can listen to the best live radio stations from Malaysia.
Strv 103-0 IX - skill4ltu Index
Aug 28, 2021 · IX Strv 103-0. Sniper Tank Destroyer. This is a proposed field modification from skill4ltu for Strv 103-0.
Strv 103-0 vs Strv 103b : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
Jun 22, 2020 · The STRV 103-0 has a slightly weaker engine and weighs around 36 tons, has 40mm of highly angled frontal armor and cannot load longer shells such as APFSDS but only APDS, HE, HESH and smoke. The STRV 103b instead has a front net to detonate chemical shells before they hit the armor, significantly decreasing if not annihilating their penetration ...
strv103四个型号有何区别? - 知乎
同Strv 103-0比起来,A型在正面加装了装甲条,首下没有附加推土铲,也没有栅栏,侧面更没有附加的油箱。 同时,Strv 103A 也没有浮渡装置 装甲条的作用还是有的