What is MOS/AOC 01A? Does this just refer to a branch
2017年2月21日 · Position coding when specific branch skills are not required. 01A is branch immaterial, 02A is Combat Arms immaterial, 02B is Infantry/Armor Immaterial, etc.
What is MOS/AOC 01A? Does this just refer to a branch-qualified …
What branch does 01A fall under? Is an 11A considered qualified to perform staff duties or would this require additional training/reclassing. Response by 1LT Private RallyPoint Member made …
What does 00G mean in mobcop? - RallyPoint
2015年10月3日 · Is that open to any mos. What does 00G mean in mobcop and who can apply for those positions. Is that open ...
What is MOS/AOC 01A? Does this just refer to a branch-qualified …
https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-mos-aoc-01a-does-this-just-refer-to-a-branch-qualified-officer-in-any-field?n=2361165&urlhash=2361165 <div class="images-v2 ...
What is the MOS 00F in the army national guard? | RallyPoint
2019年8月7日 · What is the MOS 00F in the army national guard?: Possibly being deployed overseas as this MOS. Was wondering what it meant. I read online and saw 00F was a drill …
What is life like for a 91a? Duty stations? Career advancement?
2019年11月12日 · Looking for any advice or insight into this mos since there isn’t much on here for day to day life, work/home balance, advancement opportunities etc Posted in these groups: …
What does a 68M actually do? - RallyPoint
2018年4月25日 · What does a 68M actually do?: I'm looking to go back into the Army and choosing an MOS. I've found 68M but keep on seeing different versions of what they actually …
How do you write an enlisted Army MOS with your ASI and/or SQI?
2018年12月10日 · (1) First three characters. This is a three-character numeric-alpha combination that identifies the MOS without regard to level of skill. The first two characters relate to the …
91A vs 68W - is a combat medic a combat medic? - RallyPoint
2015年4月18日 · I was a combat medic in Vietnam in direct support to the 1/26th Reg, 1st Inf Div. I carried the basic load (to include 80 rounds), M16, and standard rigging with 2 canteens. and …
What is the point of having MI and Signal assets inside of a …
2018年5月18日 · The expertise for the readiness posture of the MiCo, SigCo, CBT EN Co, MP PLT, and CBRNE PLT on MOS proficiency came from the Co CDRs with mentorship from the …