history - Why did the Motorola 68000 processor family fall out of …
Sep 25, 2023 · New contenders, such as the Power PC, ARM and MIPS take the 68000 family’s place. Not really - also you forget the NS32k family going away at the same time, being maybe …
m68k - What do the "byte-select signals" in the 68000 do ...
The 68000 has instructions for reading or writing words (16 bits) and bytes. In the latter case, it needs to be able to tell the world which half of the databus it is reading or writing. According to …
motorola 68000 - What limited the use of the Z8000 (vs. 68K and …
The 68000 family was clearly designed with an eye towards high-level language programming. The architecture was 32-bit in concept, although the original implementations were 16-bit. It …
m68k - Why are old CPUs like MOS Technology 6502 and …
Oct 17, 2020 · The 68000 and 68020 are sometimes used where interrupt latency is less of a concern. 3: Ability to run at "micropower", ie. less than a milliwatt, in embedded applications …
68000 and memory access speed - Retrocomputing Stack Exchange
May 13, 2017 · The 4 clock cycles per memory access was for instruction fetch and the 68000 could actually take longer. (Internal Architecture of 68000 was 3 16-bit Arithmetic Logic Units; …
What makes MOVEQ quicker than a normal MOVE in 68000 …
Jul 18, 2019 · Both MOVE.b MOVE.w are two-word instructions. The 68000 actually knows both words before either instruction begins, so both can occur pretty much immediately but both …
history - Did IBM originally plan to use the 68000 in the PC ...
Nov 14, 2020 · Motorola's 68000 was simply not ready at the time - and as well without second source (at the time) Zilog's Z8000 could have made it - except Zilog was (at that time) owned …
How does states, bus cycles and clock cycles differ in the M68000?
Jul 24, 2019 · For an 8Mhz 68000, there are 8,000,000 clock cycles per second. A bus cycle is the complete set of states that describes a bus interaction — most normally a read or write, …
6502 - Why were there no 32-bit versions of 65xx CPUs, or 64-bit ...
Oct 29, 2020 · The 68000 was 16-bit externally but 32-bit internally: that is why the Atari machine that used it was called the ST, short for "sixteen/thirty-two". The first fully-32 bit 680x0 chip …
64-pin chips in the 1980s - Retrocomputing Stack Exchange
Oct 8, 2024 · 64-pin DIPs were available in the 80s: the Motorola 68000, introduced in 1979, came in a 64-pin DIP.When it was designed, this was pushing the envelope; quoting the …