Lunar regolith - Wikipedia
Lunar regolith is the unconsolidated material found on the surface of the Moon and in the Moon's tenuous atmosphere. Sometimes referred to as Lunar soil, Lunar soil specifically refers to the component of regolith smaller than 1 cm.
Apr 5, 2019 · Lunar regolith is made up of rock chips, mineral fragments, impact and volcanic glasses and a peculiar component only found on the Moon called “agglutinates” (Figure 1). The ratio of these various components varies widely from one soil to the next (Figure 2). Figure 1. Photograph of a large size fraction of a lunar soil showing the various ...
Regolith - Wikipedia
This famous image of Buzz Aldrin's footprint taken during Apollo 11 shows the fine and powdery texture of the lunar surface. Regolith covers almost the entire lunar surface, bedrock protruding only on very steep-sided crater walls and the occasional lava channel.
Leveraging Lunar Regolith to Further Space Exploration
Feb 12, 2025 · Learn about lunar regolith, the layer of dust, rocks, and minerals covering the Moon’s surface, formed by meteoroid impacts over billions of years. Discover its significance for space exploration and future lunar missions.
Importance of the lunar regolith. The lunar regolith is the actual boundary layer between the solid Moon and the matter and energy that fill the solar system. It contains critical information about both of these regions, and the complexities of studying the regolith are exceeded only by its importance to understanding the Moon and the
Apollo lunar module landings shows the upper layers of regolith being scoured away by the descent engine’s exhaust plume, but the lack of any measurable crater formation under the engines indicates how deeper levels of regolith have increasing shear strength to …
Moon Dust - NASA Science
Mar 7, 2025 · Moon dust is part of the lunar regolith, the dusty, rocky material that covers much of the Moon's surface. Scientists study lunar regolith to learn more about what the Moon is made of, how it formed, what has happened to it throughout our solar system's history, and how we can explore it safely.
Lunar Regolith: The layer of unconsolidated rocky material overlying the entire surface of the Moon ranging in thickness from ~1 meter to tens of meters formed by impact processes - physical desegregation of larger fragments
The Lunar Regolith - NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
A thick layer of regolith, fragmental and unconsolidated rock material, covers the entire lunar surface. This layer is the result of the continuous impact of meteoroids large and small and the steady bombardment of charged particles from the sun and stars.
What Is Lunar Regolith? - Explaining Space
Jan 4, 2024 · Lunar regolith is the layer of loose, fragmented material covering solid rock on the Moon’s surface. It is composed of dust, soil, broken rock, and other related materials resulting from the meteoroid impacts and other cosmic factors.