Which of the following statements about polycistronic RNA are …
Polycistronic : Polycistronic is the term used to define mRNAs that carry the information of more than one protein-coding gene. In polycistronic mRNAs, therefore, the sequence for the translation of more than one peptide is found. mRNAs that harbor the information of only one gene are called monocistronic. Answer and Explanation: 1
Polycistronic mRNAs (mRNAs that encode several different …
Polycistronic mRNA: Polycistronic mRNA are mRNAs with more than one cistron or gene coding for proteins; hence, polycistronic mRNA contains multiple open reading frames that can produce multiple proteins after their translation.
A (n) is a group of functionally related genes transcribed as a ...
Polycistronic mRNA: Polycistronic mRNA is a transcript that encodes multiple polypeptides. Polycistronic genes are common in bacteria and chloroplasts. Answer and Explanation:
Which one of the following statements regarding eukaryotic ...
Which one of the following statements regarding eukaryotic transcription is false? a) There are several different types of RNA polymerase. b) There is no one generic promoter. c) Protein-coding genes are transcribed into polycistronic mRNAs. d) Eukaryotic transcription involves a core promoter and a regulatory promoter. e) Chromatin remodeling is necessary before certain …
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic genes have many common features, …
Question: Prokaryotic and eukaryotic genes have many common features, but also important differences. Which of the following is the best description of three important differences? (a) Prokaryotic genes are often larger, polycistronic, and contain enhancers. (b) Prokaryotic genes are often larger, monocistronic, and contain introns.
Explain two main differences between polycistronic and …
Answer to: Explain two main differences between polycistronic and monocistronic mRNAs. By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step...
Comparing and Contrasting the Translation Process in Eukaryotes ...
The mRNA of eukaryotes are referred to as monocistronic, a term that means there is only one gene coding for only one protein. mRNAs in prokaryotes are polycistronic.
How is polycistronic messenger RNA transcribed?
Answer to: How is polycistronic messenger RNA transcribed? By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework...
Which of the following statements regarding transcription only …
Which of the following statements regarding transcription only applies to prokaryotes and not to eukaryotes? a. A region of the promoter about 30 nucleotides upstream of +1 contains AT-rich base pairs. b.The RNA start site is designated +1. c. A region of the promoter about 10 nucleotides upstream of +1 contains AT-rich base pairs. d. Important sequence elements are …
Which of the following statements regarding eukaryotic …
Which of the following statements regarding eukaryotic transcription is FALSE? a. RNA polymerase II has a critical carboxy-terminal domain that is phosphorylated during active transcription. b. General transcription factors are designated TFII followed by a number, and they function in the initiation of transcription across the eukaryotic genome. c. The most highly …