Change your language settings on Facebook | Facebook Help Center
Change the language you see on Facebook. Keep in mind, when you change your language, your region settings (such as date, time and numbers) automatically update to match your region format. Click Choose or current language next to Account language and select a language. Click Ok. Change how dates, time and numbers are shown on Facebook.
Change your language settings on Facebook | Facebook Help Center
Tap in the top right of Facebook. Scroll down and tap Settings & privacy, then tap Settings. Tap Language and region. Tap Language for buttons, titles and other text from Facebook. Select the language you want Facebook to appear in.
How to change your language settings on Facebook
How do I stop posts written in another language from being automatically translated on Facebook? How do I turn off translation options for posts and comments on Facebook written in a specific language?
How do I change the language that Facebook posts or comments …
Click your profile picture in the top right of Facebook. Select Settings & privacy, then click Settings. Click Language and region. Click the language button besides Language you'd like to have posts translated into. Select a language.
Language & Relationship Status | Facebook Help Center
Change the language you see on Facebook. Keep in mind, when you change your language, your region settings (such as date, time and numbers) automatically update to match your region format. Click Choose or current language next to Account language and select a language.
How to change your language settings on Facebook | Facebook …
You can change your Language settings to see things like buttons, notifications, most text and tooltips in a different language.
Change your language settings on Facebook | Meta Business Help …
Language settings help change the languages you see on Facebook and control when Facebook will automatically translate posts you see.
How to change your language settings on Facebook | Facebook …
You can change your language settings to see things such as buttons, notifications, most text and tooltips in a different language.
Change your language and region settings for your managed
To change your language settings, click Language and then select your chosen language. To change your region settings, click Region and then select your region. Changes apply to your account only – everyone can choose their own language and region settings.
Change your language settings on Facebook | Facebook Help Center
How do I change the language that Facebook posts or comments are translated to How do I stop posts written in another language from being automatically translated on Facebook? How do I turn off translations options for posts and comments on Facebook written in a specific language?