Nerve-wrecking Or Nerve-wracking | WordReference Forums
2009年3月6日 · What is the difference between nerve-wracking and nerve-wrecking? I can't find an entry of nerve-wrecking in the Longman dictionary. But I've seen sentences using nerve …
with sobs racking her body | WordReference Forums
2018年4月25日 · As Nikki unlocked the door to Cloud Fen Cottage the enormity of what she had just been through hit her. She threw her coat down and fought back the tears, but only until …
nerve-wracking - WordReference Forums
2007年2月21日 · Nerver-wracking es definido como: nerve-wracking adjective /ˈnɜrvˌrækɪŋ/ Add to word list causing fear or nervousness Como miedo y nerviosismo y nada más. 6 Poner los …
wracked by sobs - WordReference Forums
2017年3月7日 · From the Word Reference dictionary on "wrack": "a variant spelling of rack" on "rack" Also: wrack to strain or shake (something) violently, as by great physical force: the …
nerve-racking or nerve-wracking? | WordReference Forums
2007年8月29日 · More precisely, as Trisia's link states, racked/racking and wracked/wracking are interchangeable.
nerve-wracking / nerve-wrecking | WordReference Forums
2010年6月17日 · It is a misspelling that probably comes from people mis-hearing or mis-pronouncing the expression "nerve-wracking," along the lines of the incorrect "could of" (which …
wracking sobs - WordReference Forums
2017年5月15日 · Bonsoir, "All the anxiety of the past day worked itself out of her body in the form of huge, wracking sobs. Ça décrit... un mouvement, un effet physique que ça a sur la …
bone-wracking - WordReference Forums
Hola a todos, soy nueva po acá y les pediria si me pudieran ayudar a traducir estas palabras: 1* bone-wracking. (no encuentro en ningún lado que significa), la oración en la que viene es: The …
wracking shivers - WordReference Forums
2016年9月27日 · wracking shivers of pleasure through her body, mi intento: "destrucción de escalofríos de placer a través de su cuerpo", mi problema es traducir correctamente wracking …
nerve-wracking - WordReference Forums
2009年7月2日 · Comment dirait-on "nerve-wracking" en français ? Exemple: "That time we reinstalled the Shah in Iran was nerve-wracking, don't you think?"