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Allen Yuan
Allen Yuan Contact Information Address: School of Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study, 1 Einstein Drive, Princeton NJ 08540 Email: [email protected] Webpage: allenyuan.me …
ALLEN YUAN 1. Introduction In the rst lecture of our tutorial, the knot group of the trefoil was remarked to be the braid group B 3. There are, in general, many more connections between …
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[2208.12844] The sphere of semiadditive height 1 - arXiv.org
2022年8月26日 · View a PDF of the paper titled The sphere of semiadditive height 1, by Allen Yuan View PDF Abstract: We construct a lift of the $p$-complete sphere to the universal …
Title: Integral Models for Spaces via the Higher Frobenius - arXiv.org
2019年10月2日 · View a PDF of the paper titled Integral Models for Spaces via the Higher Frobenius, by Allen Yuan View PDF Abstract: We give a fully faithful integral model for spaces …
- 作者: Allen Yuan
- Cite as: arXiv:1910.00999 [math.AT]
- Publish Year: 2019
ALLEN YUAN Abstract. We give a simple argument to detect chromatic redshift in the algebraic K-theory of E∞-ring spectra and give two applications: we show for n≥1 that K(En), the …
Let us illustrate the difficulty in producing such an integral model: Sullivan showedthatanysufficientlynicespace canberecoveredfromitsrationalization
Allen Yuan (Columbia University) „Examples of chromatic redshift and related phenomena“ Abstract: One form of the Ausoni -Rognes chromatic redshift philosophy is that algebraic K …
Allen Yuan's Homepage
Allen Yuan. Office: Lunt B18. I am an assistant professor at Northwestern University. Previously, I was a member at the IAS (’23-’24) and a postdoc at Columbia University (’20-23). I did my PhD at MIT, advised by Jacob Lurie, …
Title: Examples of chromatic redshift in algebraic $K$-theory
2021年11月21日 · View a PDF of the paper titled Examples of chromatic redshift in algebraic $K$-theory, by Allen Yuan
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Allen Yuan Columbia University Algebraically closed fields in higher algebra Abstract: Spectra are among the most fundamental objects in algebraic topology and appear naturally in the study of …
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