Erste Group - Home | Erste Group Bank AG
Erste Group Bank AG was founded in 1819 as the first Austrian savings bank. 45,431 employees are serving 16.6 million clients in 1,889 branches in 7 countries. Erste Group is one of the largest financial services providers in Central and Eastern Europe.
About us | Erste Group Bank AG
Founded in 1819 as the first Austrian savings bank, Erste Group went public in 1997 with a strategy to expand its retail business into Central and Eastern Europe. Since then Erste Group has grown to become one of the largest financial services providers in the Eastern part of Europe in terms of clients and total assets.
Investors | Erste Group Bank AG
listing of Erste Group Bank AG Performance over a period of less than 12 months is not very meaningful due to its short duration. Past performance does not allow reliable conclusions to be drawn about the future development of a financial instrument.
Erste Group at a glance | Erste Group Bank AG
Founded in 1819 as the first Austrian savings bank, Erste Group went public in 1997 with a strategy to expand its retail business into Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Since then Erste Group has grown through numerous acquisitions and organic growth to one of the largest financial services providers in the Eastern part of EU in terms of ...
Personal - Our range of services | Erste Group Bank AG
Erste Group is the leading bank in Central and Eastern Europe for advising and servicing private clients. With more than 1,889 branches in 7 countries, we offer individual solutions and an outstanding customer experience over the phone, online, via …
Corporate Governance and Management Boards | Erste Group …
Since 2003 Erste Group Bank AG has been committed to applying the rules of the Austrian Code of Corporate Governance and hence to a responsible and transparent corporate governance. In addition, the Management Board adopted a Statement of Purpose in 2015.
Unsere Geschichte von 1819 bis heute | Erste Group Bank AG
Starting in the 1980s, and then increasingly from 1991 onwards, Erste Bank extended its influence beyond Vienna and merged with several regional savings banks. The takeover of GiroCredit in March 1997 seals the formation of the second-largest banking group in Austria.
Our markets | Erste Group Bank AG
Erste Bank created the 3rd largest banking group in Croatia through the merger of Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d. and Rijecka banka d.d. Customer base: 11.3 Million Learn more
Austria | Erste Group Bank AG
Founded in 1819 as the first Austrian savings bank, Erste Group went public in 1997 with a strategy to expand its retail business into Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).
Branches | Erste Group Bank AG
You will find links to the local bank websites of our banks in Central and Eastern Europe here.