Fishing Maps for ESO - Fishing in Tamriel
Mar 3, 2025 · Here are the maps of all of the fishing spots I have personally found within each zone. It will be a continual work in progress as new spots are discovered and new areas added to the game. The fishing pins you see are from Votan’s Fisherman Addon, which I highly recommend because the pins are colored according to the water type.
Captain Trout’s and the Chancellor’s ESO Fishing Map
Welcome to Captain Trout’s extensive fishing map compendium for The Elder Scrolls Online! After travelling Tamriel and other realms for many months of intensive and fishy study we are happy to share the Captain’s journal with you.
Captain Trout’s Interactive Fishing Map
Welcome to Captain Trout’s extensive fishing map compendium for The Elder Scrolls Online! After travelling Tamriel and other realms for many months of intensive and fishy study we are happy to share the Captain’s journal with you.
Daggerfall Covenant Fishing Maps
These maps show fishing locations across the Daggerfall Covenant. All fishing spot pins are color-coded according to their water type using Votan’s Fisherman Addon.
Yet another fishing map <>< : r/elderscrollsonline - Reddit
Mar 4, 2019 · So I decided to craft my own little fishing map with a clickable overview map which allows you to easily navigate between zones. After a few months it's finally done. You can have a look here: https://housetertia.com/fishing-map/
30 Master Anglers & proof that the Artaeum ... - Elder Scrolls Online
At the end of this post you can find a Master Angler fishing map guide! This guide of all 20 zones required for the achievement will include fishing hole locations, the rare fish in each zone, and the average amount of time you will spend fishing in each water type!
ESO Fishing Hole Map Compendium - BenevolentBowd.ca
Find the perfect fishing holes off the beaten path and away from the competition. The following maps were created using data collected using Voltan’s Fisherman, HarvestMap, and Destinations. Objectives and Wayshines were included on the maps …
The fishing map project - Elder Scrolls Online
The fishing map project is divided into "classic maps" (such as this one) which are static, and "interactive maps" (direct link) which are, as the name suggests, interactive. Colors have been optimized for color-blind people so everyone can enjoy them. The project is also a part of "the ESO app" available in the apple store.
Captain Trout’s Interactive Fishing Map
Welcome to Captain Trout’s extensive fishing map compendium for The Elder Scrolls Online! After travelling Tamriel and other realms for many months of intensive and fishy study we are happy to share the Captain’s journal with you.
Captain Trout’s and the Chancellor’s Interactive Fishing Map ...
Welcome to Captain Trout’s extensive fishing map compendium for The Elder Scrolls Online! After travelling Tamriel and other realms for many months of intensive and fishy study we are happy to share the Captain’s journal with you.