VASP - Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package
A new version of VASP is available now! VASP 6.5.1 contains a number of bugfixes and improvements with respect to VASP 6.5.0. Get started by downloading VASP 6.5.1 from the …
The VASP Manual - VASP Wiki
In this category, we collect theory pages from all the different areas VASP offers functionalities. These can also be reached from the corresponding category. For instance, the article on the …
Tutorials - VASP Wiki
Follow the guide to installing VASP 6.X.X on the VASP Wiki! To make the most of these tutorials, we recommend installing as many optional features as possible, such as hdf5 support, linking …
Part 1: Introduction to VASP - VASP Wiki
VASP looks in the current directory for four main input files, i.e., POSCAR, INCAR, KPOINTS and POTCAR. The general format of each input file is explained in details in the linked articles that …
Installing VASP.6.X.X - VASP Wiki
As a license holder, you can download the source code of VASP from the VASP Portal. If your system fulfills the requirements , you can install VASP.6.X.X by following the steps below . …
VASPml library - VASP Wiki
This allows users to combine VASP-generated machine-learned force fields with the large amount of MD-related features provided by LAMMPS, some of which may not be offered in VASP …
Personal computer installation - VASP Wiki
Before running VASP please always check if the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable is set according to your needs. For example, if you require only pure MPI parallelization without …
Welcome - VASP Wiki
VASP has a broad spectrum of applications in different fields all the way from many-body perturbation theory to classical molecular dynamics. A quick start is usually to find a …
Running machine-learned force fields in LAMMPS - VASP Wiki
Although VASP itself also offers MD simulations LAMMPS provides more flexibility and additional methods (e.g. thermostats/barostats, grouping atoms, etc.). This page describes how to make …
NEW RELEASE: VASP.6.1.0 - Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package
For all VASP users who have already purchased a VASP.6 license from the VASP Software GmbH, VASP.6.1.0 is now available for download. VASP users who have a valid VASP.5 …
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