10.2 The kableExtra package | R Markdown Cookbook
The kableExtra package features the pipe operator, %>%. You can pipe the kable() output to the styling functions of kableExtra , e.g., library (knitr) library (kableExtra) kable (iris) %>% kable_styling ( latex_options = "striped" )
kableExtra Cookbook - GitHub Pages
2020年4月19日 · 4 Tidyverse / kableExtra pipelines. 4.1 Example data; 4.2 Example 1; 4.3 Example 2; 5 How to… 5.1 Make a table full width; 5.2 Add a top header; 5.3 Group rows; 5.4 Bold columns or rows; 5.5 Dynamically make changes; 5.6 Take advantage of PDF-only features; 6 Wild-caught Tables; Published with bookdown
The goal of kableExtra is to help you build common complex tables and manipulate table styles. It imports the pipe %>% symbol from magrittr and verbalizes all the
Create Awesome HTML Table with knitr::kable and kableExtra
Learn how to create impressive HTML tables using knitr::kable and kableExtra with this comprehensive guide.
# If you are using kableExtra < 0.9.0, you are recommended to set a global option first. # options(knitr.table.format = "latex") ## If you don't define format here, you'll need put `format = "latex"`
sharlagelfand/kableExtra-cookbook - GitHub
This repo is the home of a very bare bones cookbook that will contain snippets and examples of how to use the kableExtra R package, which can create highly-customized tables in PDF and HTML. The goal of this book is twofold: first, to show quick and self-contained examples of how to solve common table-formatting problems (e.g. making a table ...
Chapter 3 The basics | kableExtra Cookbook - GitHub Pages
The kableExtra package includes a row_spec function. This will make changes to the formatting of a specific row in the table. You can use this for any row, and that includes the row with the column headers. The kableExtra conventions consider this as row 0.
Chapter 5 How to… | kableExtra Cookbook - GitHub Pages
The kableExtra has a function called collapse_rows that will do the grouping by a column in the data. You need to move the columns to use to early in the dataframe, which you can do with select. Then, you can specify to collapse the rows by the first column using collapse_rows:
Chapter 90 Tables: kable, kableextra, and gt | DoSS Toolkit
The kableExtra package allows you to add a lot more features and options to your simple table you made using the function kable(). The package features the pipe operator, %>% , so you can pipe the table to add more features.
•Use kable() with kableExtra to generate 90 % of complex/advanced tables in either HTML or LaTeX •Only have to mess with raw HTML/LaTeX in the last 10% cases where kableExtra cannot