Messier 74 - Wikipedia
Messier 74 (also known as NGC 628 and Phantom Galaxy) is a large spiral galaxy in the equatorial constellation Pisces. [a] It is about 32 million light-years away from Earth. [6] . The …
Messier 74 - Science@NASA
Sep 16, 2024 · A stunning face-on spiral galaxy, M74 was discovered in 1780 by Charles Messier’s observing assistant, the French astronomer Pierre Méchain. M74 is located roughly …
M74 submunition - CAT-UXO
This is the American M74, a High-Explosive-Fragmentation (HE-Frag), spherical, aerially-dispersed, centrifugally armed, Impact-Inertia-Fired (IIF), integral fuzed, Anti-Personnel (AP), …
Messier 74: Phantom Galaxy - Messier Objects
Jul 24, 2015 · M74 (also known as NGC 628) is a face-on spiral galaxy located about 24 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Pisces. Visible light, produced mainly by the stars …
A74(M) and M74 motorways - Wikipedia
The A74(M) and M74 form a major motorway in Scotland, connecting it to England. The routes connect the M8 motorway in central Glasgow to the Scottish-English border at Gretna . They …
Spiral Galaxy M74 - Science@NASA
Nov 29, 2007 · Resembling festive lights on a holiday wreath, this NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image of the nearby spiral galaxy M74 is an iconic reminder of the impending …
ESA - Webb inspects the heart of the Phantom Galaxy
Aug 29, 2022 · Webb’s sharp vision has revealed delicate filaments of gas and dust in the grandiose spiral arms of M74, which wind outwards from the centre of the image. A lack of gas …
Spiral Galaxy - NASA
Dec 16, 2011 · Resembling festive lights on a holiday wreath, this NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image of the nearby spiral galaxy M74 is an iconic reminder of the impending …
Messier 74 - M74 - AstroPixels
M74 . Messier 74 or M74 (also designated NGC 628) is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Pisces. It has an apparent visual magnitude of 9.4 and its angular diameter is 10.2x9.5 arc-minutes. …
APOD: 2007 December 1 - M74: The Perfect Spiral
An island universe of about 100 billion stars, 32 million light-years away toward the constellation Pisces, M74 presents a gorgeous face-on view. Classified as an Sc galaxy, the grand design …