arithmetic - What is the correct answer to this infamously …
Mar 24, 2021 · A lot of engineering types just work left to right and end up with 9 9 because they don't appreciate how division lacks 2 properties of multiplication: commutativity and …
arithmetic - Why is $111111111 \times 111111111
Feb 16, 2018 · I was looking around on the internet until I stumbled upon this equation. $$111111111\\times111111111 = 12345678987654321$$ How does this actually work? It is …
arithmetic - Why is $\frac {987654321} {123456789}
May 20, 2013 · Many years ago, I noticed that 987654321 / 123456789 = 8.0000000729…. I sent it in to Martin Gardner at Scientific American and he published it in his column!!! My life has …
arithmetic - How to manually calculate cube roots - Mathematics …
Jan 28, 2021 · I have always used a calculator for determining roots But I think it would be useful to know how to do this on paper. Are there different procedures for calculating square roots …
computer arithmetic - Differences between signed and unsigned …
Aug 14, 2014 · What are examples of signed and unsigned decimal values? What are the differences between them?
Difference between "≈", "≃", and "≅" - Mathematics Stack Exchange
In mathematical notation, what are the usage differences between the various approximately-equal signs "≈", "≃", and "≅"? The Unicode standard lists all of them inside the Mathematical …
arithmetic - What is zero times infinity? - Mathematics Stack …
Since infinity is a concept and not a number, you can't use it as a number in arithmetic. However, I invite you to ponder these questions: As x x becomes infinitely large, the function x2 x 2 …
arithmetic - How do I explain 2 to the power of zero equals 1 to a ...
My daughter is stuck on the concept that $$2^0 = 1,$$ having the intuitive expectation that it be equal to zero. I have tried explaining it, but I guess not well enough. How would you explain the
sequences and series - Mathematics Stack Exchange
Oct 4, 2016 · Related to this question, What is the smallest prime number made of sequential number? are there infinitely many primes of the following form (OEIS A057137)? $1, 12, 123, …
arithmetic - Count number of values between two numbers
Dec 9, 2010 · I am finding with some formulas for my web application. I need a formula that counts the number of values between two number, e.g. there are four numbers (3,4,5,6) …