North American YF-93 - Wikipedia
The North American YF-93 was an American fighter development of the F-86 Sabre that emerged as a radically different variant that received its own designation. Two were built and flown before the project was eventually canceled.
Today in Aviation History: First Flight of the North American YF-93
Jan 24, 2025 · On this day in aviation history, January 24, 1950, the North American YF-93, a prototype jet fighter for the US Air Force, made its first flight.
台湾的第1代喷气式战斗机 F86佩刀式战斗机 - 哔哩哔哩
Nov 1, 2021 · 这批导弹由美国海军陆战队第323战斗机中队(英语:VMFA-323)技术人员的支援下,以“明星计划”为代号将当时仍在机密保护中的40套AIM-9响尾蛇导弹与导弹挂架装备在台湾空军的F-86F战机上。 1950年代中期后,台海空战的主角多为佩刀机担任。 1956年7月21日,台湾空军为掩护12侦照队的RF-86F,与解放军爆发空战,是为七二一空战;1958年9月24日,台空军的四架F-86F战机各装备2枚AIM-9B型响尾蛇导弹由新竹空军基地起飞,取得使用导弹击落6架米格 …
North American YF-93 Escort / Penetration Fighter Prototype …
Aug 4, 2016 · At the close of World War 2 (1939-1945), with the jet age dawning on engineers and military warplanners, it became apparent to the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) that it required a "penetration fighter" of considerable performance to escort accompanying bomber formations deep into enemy territory and back.
YF-93A; The Forgotten Sabre - Military Matters
Oct 3, 2022 · Instead of using the open inlet like the Sabre, the YF-93 relocated the air inlets to the fuselage sides, with the nose used to accommodate an SCR-720 interception radar. The inlets were of NACA duct design, intended to provide a more efficient and streamlined air intake than scoop intakes that were more common.
Jan 15, 2020 · YF-93远程战斗机虽然是从F-86C战斗机的基础上发展而来的,但是在外形上却做了较大的改变。 除了整体尺寸变得更大之外,YF-93战斗机还将进气道从机头位置移到了机身两侧,因此YF-93战斗机还是很好辨认的。 美国空军对YF-93战斗机的性能还算比较满意,但是因为当时YF-93战斗机所使用的的J-48-53发动需要优先供应给其他机种,导致YF-93战斗机无疾而终。 还有一种比较有意思的F-86战斗机改型是F-86D战斗机,F-86D战斗机在项目之初是以F-95的编 …
North American YF-93 - Military Equipment Guide With Photos
History of the North American YF-93. At the end of World War II (1939-1945), as engineers and military war planners began to enter the jet era, the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) realized they needed a lot of "penetrating fighter" performance to provide accompanying escort bomber formations deep into enemy territory and back.
North American YF-93 - Fighter Aircraft Wiki
The North American YF-93 was an American fighter development of the F-86 Sabre that emerged as a radically different variant that received its own designation. Two were built and flown before the project was eventually canceled. In 1947, North American Aviation began a …
North American YF-93 - The Little Aviation Museum
The YF-93 was initially a development of the North American F-86 Sabre fighter and designated the F-86C. It was intended as a ‘Penetration Fighter’ to escort long range heavy bombers and therefore enlarge to accommodate enough fuel to give the fighter twice the range of the F-86.
A Sabre Dead-End: the F-86C/YF-93A - Britmodeller.com
Aug 27, 2023 · Still, the YF-93 is a unique, interesting looking plane. The YF-93A as a penetration fighter was a dead duck, but NAA did try to market it as a radar-equipped interceptor and a photo-recce platform. I think either would have suited its long-range capabilities very well.