word usage - How to use "their" and "theirs"? - English Language ...
2014年3月6日 · Their is an adjective. It is used to modify a noun: This is their ball. Theirs is a pronoun. It is not used to directly modify a noun, although it does require an antecedent noun: This ball is theirs. In practice, their and theirs are basically equivalent in meaning, and you can use either one according to how you wish to word your sentence. In ...
genderless pronouns - Why use "their" after "someone"? - English ...
2015年10月15日 · Singular they is the use of they, or its inflected or derivative forms, such as them, their or themselves, to refer to a single person or an antecedent that is grammatically singular. It typically occurs with an antecedent of indeterminate gender, as in sentences such as: "Everyone returned to their seats."
Use of "its" versus "their" when using "each" in a sentence
2016年1月1日 · Singular they/their(s) is a somewhat contested feature of English; you will get varying perspectives on its appropriateness depending on whom you ask. However, it typically is used where he/she or his/her(s) would be gender-biased not where it/its would be used. Everyone brought their own dinner (Everyone is not defined as masculine or feminine)
Converting Direct Speech to Indirect Speech - "Our" to "Their"
In your example, it's not clear if it should be their foes, our foes, or your foes because we don't know who's doing the reporting or who the audience is. But while it's not completely wrong to report it as his foes—it's certainly not natural. It also isn't a completely factual report of what the emperor actually said—because the emperor ...
What is the meaning of "tie their shoes"? - English Language …
2017年8月17日 · Here, "tie their shoes" means exactly what it says. You tie your shoes -- which is to say, you pull the laces tight and knot them -- to keep your shoes from falling off. This is called "tongue-in-cheek" humor. The statement does not literally …
Can we use 'availabilities' as the plural of 'availability'?
2016年9月7日 · In general communication, availability is usually uncountable. If I want to know, when someone is available next week, I will ask about their availability - not their availabilities. That's true even if I receive multiple options (availabilities) as …
Income or incomes? - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
It is certainly normal to talk about all of a person's sources of income as, collectively, their income. They might then talk about an individual source of income as "this income, that income", but it would be unusual to use income in the plural about the separate sources. However, "your incomes" would be a normal phrasing where you is plural ...
Is "chink in the armor" an appropriate saying?
2013年2月5日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
Word stress in compound nouns changing their meanings
I’ve learned about word stress and felt confused with the exercise in which there are some compound nouns having the stress in two ways and I have to explain their meanings depending on the stress. For example: English ‘teacher: a teacher who comes from England. ’English teacher: a teacher who teaches English.
vocabulary - How to use "contribution" and "contributions"
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.