What is the square root of negative one? + Example - Socratic
2015年9月20日 · The principal square root of minus one is i. It has another square root -i. I really dislike the expression "the square root of minus one". Like all non-zero numbers, -1 has two square roots, which we call i and -i. If x is a Real number then x^2 >= 0, so we need to look beyond the Real numbers to find a square root of -1. Complex numbers can be thought of as …
What exactly IS a square root? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2015年5月12日 · Since it's continuous, the square root of any positive real number is always a well-defined positive real number: Given the positive gap-between-rationals which you want to take the square root of, the square root is the positive gap-between-rationals such that any rational greater than the square-root-gap squares to a rational greater than the ...
complex numbers - What is $\sqrt {i}$? - Mathematics Stack …
The suaqre root of a (non-negative) real number is non-negative by definition, but is there a similar decision for "the" square root of other (complex) numbers? $\endgroup$ – Wolfgang Kais Commented Jul 8, 2023 at 17:59
Approximating square roots using binomial expansion.
In fact you can take any two numbers which can be added to get 2 (not nesserly 0.01 but at least you should know the root of one of them So for example $\sqrt{2} = {(1+1)^{1/2}}$ Know all what you need is to expand it using bio theorem and for 2 terms you ll get 1.5
Graphs of Square Root Functions - Algebra - Socratic
Now, let's explore how to translate a square root function vertically. y = #sqrt(x) + 3# or y = #sqrt(x) - 4#. The addition or subtraction on the OUTSIDE of the square root function will cause the graph to translate up or down. Adding 3 will raise the graph up, and subtracting 4 will lower the graph by 4 units. (see graph)
Branch cut of square root - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2020年7月25日 · Branch cut of square root. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 7 months ago. Modified 10 months ago. Viewed 2k ...
Why can't you square both sides of an equation?
2015年1月13日 · There is nothing wrong with taking the square of both sides of an equation. However, you have to be careful if you want to take the square root of both sides, because the square root is not a normal function: it has two values $\pm \sqrt x$. By convention, the positive square root is chosen, and that is what people mean when they say "the ...
What does the small number on top of the square root symbol …
2019年11月19日 · $\begingroup$ Minor point: I notice quite a few elementary algebra books as well as some writers here taking the view that the n-th root of x is defined as x to the power 1/n. I disagree strongly. I disagree strongly.
inequality - Taking the square roots in inequalities - Mathematics ...
I have a question regarding taking square roots in inequalities. I have a problem asking: Suppose $3x^2+bx+7>0$ for every real number x. Show that $|b|<2\\sqrt{21}$. In an earlier question i...
What is the square root of zero? - Socratic
2018年4月5日 · The sqrt0=0 The sqrt0 will be equal to 0 because 0^2=0. Think of sqrt0 meaning the square root of 0 objects, if you have no objects to square root, then the answer will be 0