What is another word for “sh*t”? - English Language Learners …
2014年12月13日 · as a vague noun (Get your shit together!), a surprise or an anger (When he sees it, he's gonna shit himself.), to mean trouble (He's in a deep shit.), to express displeasure or an indifference attitude (Well, I don't give a shit!), to express negative attitude (What a piece of shit!), to express positive attitude (The Oregon Trail is the shit.),
slang - Which between "crap" and "shit" is more rude? - English ...
According to the Oxford dictionary, shit is defined as "(i) Faeces, (ii) Something worthless; rubbish; nonsense", whereas crap is defined as "(i) Something of extremely poor quality, (ii) Excrement". In addition, to me as a non-native speaker, those carry the same meaning when used in the following sentences: This book is crap. This book is shit.
word usage - What does "do shit" mean? - English Language …
2021年12月15日 · In this context "shit" means "stuff". It also has a negative connotation, since sneaking around someone's house is bad. There is no general rule for the exact nature of the "shit" negative connotation. For example the idiom "didn't do shit" means "didn't do anything". With the connotation that they should have done something.
What is a non-vulgar synonym for this swear word meaning "an …
2017年1月6日 · E.g.: “We have a metric tonne of complaints about the new design.” It doesn't have quite the same punch as shit-tonne, but it slides in smoothly as a replacement that does the same job. (And of course, you can also have a metric shit-tonne, for extra intesification.) –
Is there a polite, formal way to say "sh!t happens"?
2015年4月26日 · To avoid the expletive, you could just say "stuff happens", which is somewhat idiomatic (though not nearly so idiomatic as "shit happens"). That's still rather informal but, in the right context and used only occasionally, informality can work well in an essay.
*get your sh–t together* - English Language Learners Stack …
2014年5月18日 · “Get your shit together” basically means “get better organized”. Here, shit means stuff, undifferentiated things, either in the sense of physical belongings or in a more abstract sense of someone's actions. For a dog in a fight (or for a human for that matter), this is an encouragement to the dog to be more coordinated, to demonstrate ...
meaning - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2020年7月24日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
word choice - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Note that I didn't include "shit" in those charts. It's actually far more common than all the alternatives put together, but in many contexts it would definitely be far too vulgar to use safely. It's actually far more common than all the alternatives put together, but in many contexts it would definitely be far too vulgar to use safely.
word usage - "Life happens"-what does it imply? - English …
2023年10月15日 · shit happens idiomatic phrase vulgar — used to say that bad things happen as part of life and cannot be prevented (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Also life happens phrase. An expression of acceptance of misfortune and unforeseen bad circumstances or luck.
offensive language - Meaning of holy cow and holy $h!t - English ...
2016年3月19日 · "Holy shit" contains a vulgarity (a "swear word"). Whether you would use it depends both on the culture and the situation. It may be a perfectly reasonable thing for a steelworker to say just after having narrowly escaped a major workplace accident. It would be an extremely inappropriate thing for a lawyer to say in court after a surprising loss.