The primary researcher for “The World’s Muslims: Religion, Politics and Society” was James Bell, the director of international survey research for the Pew Research Center. He received valuable assistance from Senior Researcher Neha Sahgal, Research Associates Michael Robbins and Katie Simmons, and others listed on the masthead of this report.
Religion and education within Christian traditions: Highly educated are generally at least as observant as those with less education The tendency for Christian college graduates to exhibit rates of religious observance that are at least on par with their less highly educated counterparts is evident across a variety of Christian traditions.
An extensive new survey by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life details the religious affiliation of the American public and explores the shifts taking place in the U.S. religious landscape.
Dec 14, 2021 · Measuring religion in surveys with different modes This analysis compares results from surveys conducted using different “modes” of data collection. Estimates from 2009-2019 are based on random-digit-dial (RDD) telephone surveys, an interviewer-administered mode in which a live person asks questions over the phone.
Jan 1, 2021 · Catholic Catholic Baptist Catholic Protestant unspecified Episcopalian Unitarian Universalist Jewish Protestant unspecified Jewish Catholic Catholic Catholic Catholic ...
Those who are most knowledgeable about a religion (and are not members of that religion) tend to rate the religion’s adherents most favorably. For instance, Buddhists receive an average thermometer rating of 67 degrees from non-Buddhists who correctly answer both of the survey’s Buddhism-knowledge questions correctly, but just 53 degrees ...
The latest release of the Landscape Survey includes a wealth of information on the religious beliefs and practices of the American public, including the importance of religion in people’s lives, belief in God and the afterlife, attitudes toward the authority of sacred writings, frequency of worship attendance and prayer, and participation in religious activities outside of worship …
ion of state-sponsored atheism as part of communist ideology. During the Soviet period, many priests were imprisoned, many churches were converted to other uses or fell into disrepair, and people who publicly professed religious beliefs were denied prestigious jobs and admission to universities. While it is likely that some share of the population continued, in private, to identify …
It also featured several queries about religion that the Center has long asked in its RDD and ATP surveys, including questions about religious affiliation (such as Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, atheist and others), frequency of attendance at religious services, frequency of prayer, and the importance of religion in respondents’ lives.
Aug 26, 2020 · the terms they use to describe the science and religion issues discussed. Probe on the definitions of terms,