p14arf - Wikipedia
p14ARF (also called ARF tumor suppressor, ARF, p14 ARF) is an alternate reading frame protein product of the CDKN2A locus (i.e. INK4a/ARF locus). [1] p14ARF is induced in response to elevated mitogenic stimulation, such as aberrant growth signaling from MYC and Ras (protein). [2]
p14ARF基因 - 百度百科
p14ARF基因(p14ARF gene)是2017年全国科学技术名词审定委员会公布的老年医学名词,出自《老年医学名词》第一版。 肿瘤抑制基因,编码的蛋白能稳定和提高细胞p53水平,具有显著的细胞周期负调控和促进细胞衰老的作用。 定位于染色体9p21,编码两个不同的蛋白质,一个为p16INK4a,另一个为p14INK4a。 [1] 《老年医学名词》第一版. p14ARF基因(p14ARF gene)是2017年全国科学技术名词审定委员会公布的老年医学名词,出自《老年医学名词》第一版。
P14ARF: The Absence that Makes the Difference - PMC - PubMed …
P14ARF is a tumor suppressor encoded by the CDKN2a locus that is frequently inactivated in human tumors. P14ARF protein quenches oncogene stimuli by inhibiting cell cycle progression and inducing apoptosis.
p14ARF interacts with the focal adhesion kinase and protects
2017年4月24日 · Here, we present data showing that during cell adhesion and spreading, p14ARF is delocalized from nucleoli to sites of actin polymerization concentrating at focal contacts where it colocalizes...
P14arf - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
p14ARF is a tumor suppressor gene located within the INK4bARF-INK4a locus of 9p21 chromosome. This gene encodes the corresponding 14 kDa p14ARF protein, which is predominantly localized in the nucleolus.
Two arginine rich domains in the p14ARF tumour suppressor
2000年6月19日 · The INK4a/ARF locus encodes two distinct tumour suppressors, p16 INK4a and p14ARF, that regulate cell cycle progression via the pRB and p53 pathways, respectively. The ARF protein inhibits hdm2...
p14ARF links the tumour suppressors RB and p53 - Nature
1998年9月10日 · Here we show that E2F-1 directly activates expression of the human tumour-suppressor protein p14ARF (the mouse homologue is called p19ARF), which binds to the MDM2-p53 complex and prevents p53 ...
Regulation of the p14ARF-Mdm2-p53 pathway: An overview
2006年10月1日 · P14ARF, P19ARF in the mouse, is a 15-kDa protein that blocks the G1 and G2 phases in the cell cycle and inhibits growth of abnormal cells by indirectly activating p53 (Silva et al., 2003). Its expression in the cell cycle results from cellular stress, serum starvation or …
P14ARF相关信号通路 - 百度学术
p14ARF是新近发现的一种具有细胞周期调节功能的抑癌基因,P14ARF主要定位于核 仁,但也有少部分位于核质.p14ARF在部分人类肿瘤中频发失活,其表达异常导致肿瘤的发生机制及以P14ARF为靶点进行的肿瘤治疗越来越受到重视. 现对于Pl4ARF相关信号通路的研究进展进行了综述. 百度学术集成海量学术资源,融合人工智能、深度学习、大数据分析等技术,为科研工作者提供全面快捷的学术服务。 在这里我们保持学习的态度,不忘初心,砥砺前行。
P14ARF: The Absence that Makes the Difference - PubMed
2020年7月20日 · Here, we deepened this new facet of p14 ARF which we believe is relevant to its tumor suppressive role in the cell. To this aim, we generated a monoclonal HCT116 cell line expressing the p14 ARF cDNA cloned in the piggyback vector and then induced aneuploidy by treating HCT116 cells with the CENP-E inhibitor GSK923295.