孕期做NT检查前需要做什么准备吗? - 知乎
NT检查注意事项. NT检查是通过超声波对胎儿颈部透明层的厚度检查,通. 常在孕妇11~14周之内进行,通过检厚度,査看胚胎是否有存在染色体变异以及唐氏综合征。 NT正常值. 正常值是小于2.5mm的。
孕 12 周检查 NT 是什么? - 知乎
nt检查是通过超声检查测量胎儿颈项部透明层的厚度。 NT检查是早于四维彩超的 排畸检查 ,它可以在早期筛查胎儿神经管畸形疾病发生的风险。 也就是在孕11-13周左右,胎儿大小符合停经周数的女性,可以预约进行NT检查。
smbclient NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED - Stack Overflow
2015年1月2日 · smbclient NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 2 months ago. Modified 1 year, 1 month ago.
windows - The difference between the 'Local System' account and …
2009年2月4日 · NT_AUTHORITY\LocalService (aka the Local Service account), or ; NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService (aka the Network Service account). That capability only was added with Task Scheduler 2.0, which only exists in Windows Vista/Windows Server 2008 and newer. A service running as NetworkService presents the machine credentials on the network.
Windows Native API: When and why use Zw vs Nt prefixed API calls?
The Nt prefix is an abbreviation of Windows NT, but the Zw prefix has no meaning. Zw was selected partly to avoid potential naming conflicts with other APIs, and partly to avoid using any potentially useful two-letter prefixes that might be needed in the future.
windbg - _NT_SYMBOL_PATH format - Stack Overflow
2016年3月11日 · _NT_SYMBOL_PATH format. Ask Question Asked 15 years, 9 months ago. Modified 1 year, 3 months ago.
security - SQL Server returns error "Login failed for user 'NT ...
2012年9月17日 · The client application uses a hard-coded connection string with Integrated Security=True, but when the applications attempts to create a connection to the database, it throws an SQLException saying "Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON". I can log on to the database through Management Studio on this account without problem.
nt检查到底2.5是标准还是3是标准? - 知乎
在国内,我们都要求NT值不要超过2.5mm,但在国外,NT值不能超过3.5mm,所以国内有些医院NT值是不超过3mm的 此外,判断NT值时,还需要结合胎儿头臀长,也就是说,不同头臀长(CRL)的胎儿,NT的临界值其实是不一样的。
如何看待胎儿NT增厚?胎儿是否不能要了? - 知乎
nt增厚不代表胎儿一定不好,只能说明胎儿不好的可能性增加了。 nt测的准么? nt需要经过专业训练过的b超医生去测量,对测量技术的要求很高,除了孕周要在10-14周,还包括测量时切面的要求、胎儿颈部姿势的要求、b超光标点放置的位置。
Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE'
2010年2月12日 · My vote first, in fact this idea is the one that finally worked for me thanks, but the user name doesn't matter it is the login name you select for it which should be NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE. One more thing is using \ char in the user name is not allowed with my SQL Server Express(2005) (i'm not sure if so for the SQL as a whole).