Ke’te’ Kesu’ - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Kete Kesu (dieja Keʼteʼ Kesuʼ) adalah suatu desa wisata di kawasan Tana Toraja yang dikenal karena adat dan kehidupan tradisional masyarakat dapat ditemukan di kawasan ini. [1] Di dalam Kete Kesu terdapat peninggalan purbakala berupa manusia purba yang biasa disebut oky kete kesu yang berasal dari salodong dan mempunyai adik kembar nunang ...
Ke’te Ke’Su - Visit Toraja
Ke’te Kesu’ is nominated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and it is easy to understand why. The village is one of the most complete traditional Torajan settlements in the highlands. The site consists of 6 Tongkonan houses along the main avenue, 12 granaries, a large open ceremonial ground and burial site.
The Ancient Village of Ke'te Kesu' in the Heart of the Toraja ...
Ke'te Kesu' is a quaint, traditional village concealed in the mountainous region of TanaToraja, South Sulawesi. It sits amidst a vast expanse of rice fields, and is the oldest village in the …
Ke'te Kesu, Warisan Megah dari Kekayaan Tradisi Toraja
2018年12月10日 · Nationalgeographic.co.id - Ke'te Kesu merupakan desa tradisional eksentrik yang tersembunyi di wilayah pegunungan TanaToraja, Sulawesi Selatan. Ia terletak di tengah hamparan sawah luas dan merupakan desa tertua di Sanggalangi. Usia desa Ke'te Kesu diperkirakan mencapai 400 tahun.
Ke'te' Kesu' - Tempat Wisata di Toraja
Kete Kesu adalah suatu desa wisata di kawasan Tana Toraja yang dikenal karena adat dan kehidupan tradisional masyarakat dapat ditemukan di kawasan ini. Di dalam Kete Kesu terdapat peninggalan purbakala berupa kuburan batu yang diperkirakan berusia 500 tahun lebih.
Kete Kesu Tourism Object - Indonesia tourism
Kete Kesu Village is a village destination having beautiful panorama located in Bonoran, North Toraja, Sulawesi. This tourism village offers you a complete condition of Tana Toraja society-life which respects the tradition a lot.
Walk around Kete Kesu in Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi
Kete Kesu is situated in the south part of Tana Toraja Regency. It is also near to Suaya, Lemo, and Londa. Tourists can even visit them within one day. Still, Kete Kesu is the most famous one. It holds ancient tombstones and skeletons. In fact, some of the coffins have the age more than hundreds of years. The locals place them in different ...
Kete Kesu: Wisata Sakral yang Kaya Adat di Tana Toraja
2023年8月11日 · Kete Kesu adalah salah satu desa adat masyarakat Toraja. Desa ini terkenal sebagai salah satu destinasi wisata favorit di Tana Toraja karena deretan tongkonan (rumah adat Toraja) yang telah berusia ratusan tahun.
Kete Kesu Toraja Traditional Village | 5 Facts about Kete ...
The Kete Kesu Traditional Village is located in Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi. This village is included as a world heritage cultural heritage by UNESCO.
The Ancient Village of Ke’te Kesu’ in the Heart of the Toraja ...
2022年11月12日 · Ke’te Kesu’ is a quaint, traditional village concealed in the mountainous region of TanaToraja, South Sulawesi. It sits amidst a vast expanse of rice fields, and is the oldest village in the Sanggalangi district.
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