How Do You Convert kV to keV? - Physics Forums
2011年4月28日 · V is used for electromotive force, eV is energy and actually means the energy gained by an electron moving through a 1 V potential difference. So you can't really convert between the two. Perhaps it would be more useful to picture V …
Unit Conversion: How to Find Volts/kRPM for Motor Modeling …
2011年7月3日 · For a motor modeling project I am trying to find a value that is measured in Volts/kRPM (Voltage constant) , in the motor specs that I am given i have a value in RPM/Kv, If the value for RPM/Kv given is 245, how can i find Volts/KRPM, or is that even possible Thanks!
Integrating a squared velocity - Physics Forums
2012年2月8日 · Try to solve the equation in v first. Replace dX/DT by v (on both sides). You will have dv/dT=-kv^2. This can be solved by direct integration, after rearranging a little bit.
What is the velocity dependence in the equation of a standing wave?
2013年8月29日 · Say we have 2 equations of progressive wave as y1=Asin(kx+ωt) and y2=Asin(kx-ωt) Where ω=kv, k=Wave Number, v=Wave velocity These equations combine according to the principle of superposition as: y1+y2=[2Asin(kx)]cos(ωt). Now we know that a standing wave is called so because all the...
Calculating Velocity of a Falling Object with Drag Force - Physics …
2011年8月3日 · Since F=KV, and F=ma, by association we have ma=KV, or a=KV/m, so now we have a function of acceleration in terms of velocity. If we plug this into a=dV/dt, we end up with: KV/m = dV/dt
Skydiver differential equation - Physics Forums
2010年5月24日 · Homework Statement the velocity of a skydiver falling to the ground is governed by: m dv/dt = mg - kv^2 solve for v(t) with initial conditions v(0) = 0 i rearranged equation into standard form: v' + (k/m)v^2 = g so i got an integrating factor, mu(x) = e^integ(k/m), but does the...
F= - mg - kv ? (forces of gravity and friction on a mass) - Physics …
2022年9月3日 · Then if the object is moving up, the air resistance force should be down, i.e. negative. Moving up means v is positive, hence -kv is negative, directed down. You can work out the case where the object is moving down. It should be very intuitive, -kv means that the force is proportional to v, but has oppsitive direction as v.
How do I determine the appropriate drag force equation for my …
2013年9月23日 · for this problem, if it's bv i can definitely do the problem. but if it's kv 2, i don't know how to pursue the problem. for the above equation i gave, if it's kv 2, then i can put acceleration in terms of t like dv/dt. but then when i move the RHS over to the right by dividing, i cannot do the integral because i do not have an extra v term in ...
Terminal velocity of a body of mass - Physics Forums
2008年9月24日 · a = g - kv dv/dt = g - kv I'm pretty sure I got this one right. b) Determine the terminal speed v T of the body. F = 0 g - kv = 0 g = kv v T = g / k I think I got this one right too. c) Integrate the differential equation once to obtain an expression for the speed v as a function of time t. Use the condition that v = 0 when t= 0. What I did so ...
Velocity with air resistance help - Physics Forums
2007年9月29日 · theres nothing else to the problem. i plugged in G-KV in for A in the first equation but now i have V=Vo+(G-KV)T. and i want to find velocity, but can't because there is velocity in the equation. so i want to know how to simplify the equation so i get V only on one side.