java - How to run a JAR file - Stack Overflow
Dec 4, 2016 · I created a JAR file like this: jar cf Predit.jar *.* I ran this JAR file by double clicking on it (it didn't work). So I ran it from the DOS prompt like this: java -jar Predit.jar It raised "F...
java - Extracting .jar file with command line - Stack Overflow
Dec 10, 2011 · C:\Java> jar xf myFile.jar foo bar The folder where jar is probably isn't C:\Java for you, on my Windows partition it's: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk[some_version_here]\bin …
java - Running JAR file on Windows - Stack Overflow
Fixing .jar file opening on Windows requires two steps. Open the Control Panel, and chose "Default Programs -> Set Associations". Find .jar extension (Executable JAR file) there, and …
java - The simplest way to create a jar file? - Stack Overflow
Dec 16, 2024 · jar cf jar-file input-file(s) The options and arguments used in this command are: The c option indicates that you want to create a JAR file. The f option indicates that you want …
java - What exactly does a jar file contain? - Stack Overflow
While learning about JAR, I came across this thread, but couldn't get enough information for people like me, who have .NET background, so I'm gonna add few points which can help …
How to set the -Xmx when start running a jar file?
Nov 22, 2013 · Instruct your users to run your application using "java -Xmx1024m -jar SampleJavaApp.jar" Java Control Panel: Instruct your users to dedicate more memory to java …
java - Viewing contents of a .jar file - Stack Overflow
Nov 26, 2008 · Drag the jar file in question into a Java project. A copy of the jar file appears. Right click on the jar file, and choose "Build Path" -> "Add to Build Path". Jar file is moved to …
java - How do I get just the jar URL from a jar: URL containing a ...
Sep 14, 2015 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Try Teams for free Explore Teams
Can't execute jar- file: "no main manifest attribute"
Mar 14, 2012 · The -jar option only works if the JAR file is an executable JAR file, which means it must have a manifest file with a Main-Class attribute in it. See Packaging Programs in JAR …
java - How to decompile a whole Jar file? - Stack Overflow
java -jar vineflower.jar -dgs=1 c:\Temp\binary\library.jar c:\Temp\souce 2022 update: QuiltMC/quiltflower is the latest most advanced Java decompiler : Quiltflower is a modern, …