It's vs. Its: Correct Usage - Merriam-Webster
It's is a contraction and should be used where a sentence would normally read "it is" or "it has." The apostrophe indicates that part of a word has been removed. Its with no apostrophe, on the other hand, is the possessive word, like "his" and "her," for nouns without gender. For example, "The sun was so bright, its rays blinded me."
Its vs It's: How to Use The Right Word | Dictionary.com
Aug 16, 2022 · Its is a possessive form of the pronoun it, meaning belonging to it. It’s is a contraction of the words it is or it has. (Interestingly, we don’t really contract it was into it’s.) If you’re trying to figure out whether you should write it’s or its, swap in it is or it has.
'It's' vs. 'Its': Keeping Each in Its Place - Merriam-Webster
'Its' and 'it's' are very commonly confused. Use 'it's' as a contraction of 'it is' or 'it has,' as in 'it's fine.' Use 'its' when referring to something that relates to itself, as in 'on its own.'
It’s or its ? - Grammar - Cambridge Dictionary
It’s is the contracted form of it is or it has: Can you hear that noise? Where do you think it’s (it is) coming from? It’s (it is) nearly the end of the month. It’s (it has) gone really quickly. Its is a …
Its vs. It’s: Learn the Difference - Grammarly
Nov 9, 2022 · Its is the possessive form of it and denotes ownership of or belonging to. Similar to his or her , its is often used in reference to something owned by a noun previously mentioned in the sentence.
When to Use Its vs. It’s | Examples, Meaning & Quiz - Scribbr
Jul 12, 2022 · Its (without an apostrophe) is the possessive form of it, so it means “belonging to it.” It’s (with an apostrophe “s”) is a contraction (shortened form) of it is or it has. Its’ (apostrophe after the “s”) is not actually a word, even though people sometimes mistakenly use it in place of its.
It's or Its? - Grammar Monster
"It's" and "its" are easy to confuse because "it's" (with an apostrophe) is not used for possession, which is one of the uses of an apostrophe. It's . "It's" is short for "it is" or "it has."