Fonts - Apple Developer
This neutral, flexible, sans-serif typeface is the system font for iOS, iPadOS, macOS and tvOS. SF Pro features nine weights, variable optical sizes for optimal legibility, four widths, and …
System Fonts - Fonts - Apple Developer
iOS system font iOS macOS system font macOS tvOS system font tvOS watchOS system font watchOS; DIN Condensed Bold. 14.0d1e1 iOS system font iOS macOS system font macOS …
Typography | Apple Developer Documentation
2025年3月7日 · Implement accessibility features for custom fonts. System fonts automatically support Dynamic Type (where available) and respond when people turn on accessibility …
Text Styles | Apple Developer Documentation
With Apple News Format, you can determine every detail about the appearance of your text, from fonts to special effects. Here are some of the things you can do with text styles: Choose a font. …
Apple Design Resources - Apple Developer
2024年6月26日 · SF Symbols is a library of over 6,000 symbols that are designed to integrate seamlessly with San Francisco, the system font for Apple platforms. Symbols come in nine …
Adding a Custom Font to Your App - Apple Developer
Register Your Font File with iOS. After adding the font file to your project, you need to let iOS know about the font. To do this, add the key “Fonts provided by application” to Info.plist (the …
Fonts - TrueType Reference Manual - Apple Developer
fdsc (font descriptor) feat (layout feature) fmtx (font metrics) fond (font family compatibility) fpgm (font program) fvar (font variation) gasp (grid-fitting and scan-conversion procedure) glyf (glyph …
Fonts | Apple Developer Documentation
The NSFont and NSFont Manager classes encapsulate and manage font families, sizes, and variations. The NSFont class defines a single object for each distinct font; for efficiency, these …
Scaling Fonts Automatically | Apple Developer Documentation
If you use a custom font in your app and want to let the user control the text size, you must create a scaled instance of the font in your source code. Call scaled Font(for:), passing in a reference …
Text display and fonts | Apple Developer Documentation
The filters and display settings a font picker view controller uses to set up a font picker.