iMindmap - Mind Mapping App Web Online
iMindmap.app is a professional and popular mind mapping tool. Millions of people use iMindmap to clarify thinking, manage complex information, brainstorming, get work organized, remote and work from home WFH.
iMindMap is Now Part of Ayoa. Discover Mind Mapping for Free
We’ve taken the best views from iMindMap and combined them with many new features to create Ayoa. These include AI generated mind maps and images, better collaboration to build and share ideas, and the ability to access your maps using web or mobile apps.
iMindMap - Download
2024年10月11日 · iMindMap is a paid app with three pricing options for students, professionals and businesses. It allows you to create mind maps, but also has planning functions such as a clever radial map tool, and org table tools.
iMindMap - Vẽ sơ đồ tư duy Mind Map - Download.com.vn
iMindMap 11.0.4 là phần mềm vẽ bản đồ tư duy được phát triển bởi Tony Buzan, giúp người dùng sáng tạo và làm việc hiệu quả hơn trong quá trình suy nghĩ và triển khai ý tưởng.
iMindMap 10 – Out now! - Ayoa
2016年12月8日 · iMindMap 10 brings instant access to the world’s largest Mind Map collection via its all-new Biggerplate Mind Map Library Integration. You can now search and download thousands of time-saving Mind Map templates and inspiring examples all from within iMindMap.
Mind Mapping Software & Tool - Online Mind Map Maker - Ayoa
Previously iMindMap Ayoa is next-generation mind mapping brought to you by Chris Griffiths who developed iMindMap in conjunction with Tony Buzan (2005 -2019), the inventor of Mind Mapping. Find out more
Software - OpenGenius
iMindMap has been recognised globally for its intuitive, digital and brainstorming techniques. Its launch in Japan saw it instantly jump to the top of the Amazon Japan software chart. It has held the number one spot as the Mind Mappers choice in …
iMindMap (free version) download for PC - FreeDownloadManager
2024年11月21日 · iMindMap 11 – Out Now! Our most powerful version yet is here. Offering you more flexibility than ever to release, capture and develop your greatest ideas with visual thinking.
iMindMap - Download
Download iMindMap. Enhance creative thinking and planning with robust mind-mapping features. Virus Free
What is Mind Mapping? What Are Its Uses? | Mindmaps.com
The tree-structure of a mind map means that every piece of information connects to at least one other piece of information. Connections include a higher level (parent) topic, and potentially the same level (siblings) topics, or lower-level (child) topics.. Every item has context because of what it is attached to, and what connects to it.