Who Is God? - Bible Study
God is a personal, all-powerful, all-knowing, eternal, loving, spirit-composed family currently composed of the Father and Jesus Christ (see John 10:30 - 31, 17:20 - 23, 1John 3:1 - 2). The …
Which Egyptian Gods Were Judged by Plagues? - Bible Study
Set, the god of storms, as well as the sky goddess Nut were judged in this plague. Also condemned were the god Neper and goddess Nepit who were responsible for grain. Locusts. …
Where Did God Come From? - Bible Study
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God . . . All things came into being through Him, and not even one thing that was created came into being …
Meaning of the Number 7 in the Bible - Bible Study
Numbers 7, with its 89 verses, is the second largest single chapter in God's word! The biggest is Psalm 119 with a whopping 176 verses. The book of the minor prophet Micah contains seven …
What Are the Seven Spirits of God? - Bible Study
And to the angel of the church in Sardis, write: These things says He Who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars . . . (Revelation 3:1). And proceeding from the throne were lightnings …
Questions About God - JW.ORG
Answers to some of the most common questions about God. Get the facts. The clear explanations found in God’s Word may surprise you.
Meaning of Numbers in the Bible - Bible Study
God is 'The Great Geometrician' and does everything after a plan by number, weight, and measure. "If God is the Author of the Scriptures and the Creator of the Universe (and He is) …
Meaning of Sacrifices (Offerings) - Bible Study
They are thank offerings (Leviticus 7:11 - 12), votive (vow) offerings and free-will offerings (Leviticus 7:16). The thank offering is in acknowledgment of receiving an act of God's grace. …
Dreams in the Bible - Bible Study
God uses a variety of ways to communicate with humans such as through visions, signs and wonders, angels, shadows and patterns, and many others. One of the most common means …
God's Holy (Feast) Days Dates - Bible Study
2020年4月10日 · The Holy Days also reveal God's future prophetic plans to offer salvation to all. Because they are "a foreshadow of the things that are coming" (Colossians 2:17) they remain …