Nightstand gun: Glock 35 vs 19 (I already have both)
Jan 22, 2025 · As for the 19/35 question, either is a real fine choice. If you‘re better at one vs the other then there’s your winner. Yes, the 35 is bigger than the 19, but it’s absolutely no issue as a HD gun. Personally, my “nightstand” handgun is a 34 with a WML and red dot. Works great. The size is a complete non-issue.
Aftermarket recoil spring assemblies | Glock Talk
Jan 11, 2025 · Do the heavier guide rod assemblies and/or softer springs than OEM in a 19 and a 34 make any appreciable difference in recoil or muzzle jump? I see that NDZ and Centennial Defense offer them with options on spring rates and that Glockmeister just started selling stock spring rate stainless steel guide rod assemblies.
Ruger RXM holsters and such - Glock Talk
Jan 4, 2025 · I tried my RXM in a number of different kydex Glock holsters I have, and it fit in all of them. Some, a little better than others, but they all work. I also swapped out the Ruger slide stop for a Glock Gen 3 "extended" slide stop, and for the same reason I do it on all my Glocks. Its a bit of a PITA, but its not bad.
Second Glock: 19 vs 26? | Glock Talk
Dec 31, 2024 · I keep hearing “2 is 1, and 1 is none” So I’m looking to get a second Glock. My one gun now is a 19.5 MOS with a Holosun SCS. It’s my edc, home defense, and range toy. I’m looking to get another 19.5 but keep it iron sights and make it my edc, and keep my current 19.5 for home defense.
Life Expectancy of Glock 19
Oct 26, 2014 · Glock 19 Gen. 3 Glock 23 Gen. 3 RTF2 GILLED Glock 27 Gen. 3 Blue Label H&R Pardner pump 12 gauge .22 Mossberg Plinkster. Proud NRA member! This is my Glock. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My Glock is my best friend.:salute:
Extremely hard to eject mags....... - Glock Talk
Jan 28, 2018 · Glocktalk is a forum community dedicated to Glock enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about Glock pistols and rifles, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, and more! JavaScript is disabled.
Gen 2 G19 Review | Glock Talk
Dec 17, 2012 · Lots of Glockers out there consider the Gen 2 Glock 19 to be the "perfect Glock" and I would have a hard time arguing that point. In the last few years, these Gen2 guns have been flooding the surplus market as departments upgrade their guns to the newer Gen4 models. The good news for the...
Shootout between my Ruger RXM and beloved G19 MOS. | Glock …
Jan 25, 2025 · I went on vacation down to Yuma, AZ to visit my folks and inspect my new property. I thought it would be fun to bring my new Ruger RXM and my Glock Gen 5 G19 MOS to do a range comparison. I bought 5 boxes of self-defense ammo and shot it through both pistols at 25yds to check for accuracy and...
List of possible caliber conversions / swaps - Glock Forum
Jun 7, 2013 · Glock Upper Swaps by Model It is asked often and many folks get the wrong information, so we are going to show the Glock owner and the generally curious all of the possible Upper/Receiver combinations in the Glock. In other words which uppers work on which receivers. * Indicates ejector and mag change. Receiver-----Upper/s
Talk to me about Gen 3 RTF | Glock Talk
Jan 3, 2024 · The RTF2 is the best grip texture GLOCK has produced for achieving a secure grip on the firearm. The one big downside is it will wear through your clothing, which is one of the reasons GLOCK modified the texture for the Gen 4 guns. I love the feel of the RTF2, it’s the only texture GLOCK has used that helps with grip under various conditions.