E-Girls - Reddit
E-girl nerdy theme Posts needs to fit the theme of the sub. girls and cute nerdyness :) There needs to be something relating to pop culture such as anime, gaming, cartoons in the post. Egirl aesthetics such as collars, chokers, alt hair color, cat ears, cosplay, clothing, lighting RGB stuff …
r/Italia: l'Italia su reddit
Salve ragazzuoli e ragazzuole, sono un ragazzo di 25 anni, attualmente studio all'università e a breve mi laureo, avendo in questo periodo leggermente più tempo ho deciso di iscrivermi in palestra e farmi aiutare da una nutrizionista ed un personal trainer con la speranza di poter migliorare fisicamente, intendiamoci non sono messo così male, sono 182cm x 76kg, ma non sono nemmeno un adone.
汉语拼音里的ê是什么 是不是就是ie和üe里的e? - 知乎
Sep 9, 2021 · e(鹅)的注音符号是“ㄜ”,而ê的注音符号是“ㄝ”,二者完全不是一个发音。另外“ie”即“耶”的注音符号是“ㄧㄝ”,由此我们可以推断出“ê(ㄝ)”的发音是英文字母E的发音[e]。 在《新华字典》中发ê音的有两个字:诶和唉。
Am I the Asshole? - Reddit
In your top level comment be sure to include one abbreviation for your judgment, i.e. YTA = You're the Asshole. YWBTA = You Would Be the Asshole. NTA = Not the Asshole (and the other person is) YWNBTA = You Would Not be the Asshole (and the other person would) ESH = Everyone Sucks here. NAH = No Assholes here. INFO = Not Enough Info
华硕B760主板详细介绍|B760M重炮手、小吹雪、天选B760M-K …
Oct 18, 2024 · tuf b760m-e. 供电:10+1相 dr.mos供电规格,4个内存插槽,比较全面的散热装甲,相当于重炮手的供电缩水版. 目前这价格买它比买prime的b760m-a划算,好歹是个tuf,tuf系列的供电都是dr.mos,大师系列都是传统的上下桥供电, tx系列/天选系列. tx gaming b760m /wifi
Plataforma Assad é realmente boa? : r/enem - Reddit
Jun 22, 2024 · Outro que eu acho sensacional nesse quesito é o Renato Palmeira. Ele vende curso sobre como passar pra medicina, fala sobre como é fácil chegar em 800, fala como o método dele é perfeito pra isso e ele mesmo NUNCA tirou essa nota, passou com 720-730 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK juro é sensacional a única expertise …
微单镜头入门推荐 ·索尼E卡口篇 | 2024版 - 知乎
Feb 27, 2024 · e卡口镜头群的强势扩展也得益于索尼开放了卡口协议,这吸引了很多镜头厂商主打参与贡献不同规格、不同价位的e卡口镜头。 光是适马就有47款镜头提供E卡口版本,腾龙也在索尼的支持下发布了18款E卡口镜头,其中不乏有很多高性价比的优秀产品,所以索尼微 ...
Recommendations for free online movie sites? : r/Piracy - Reddit
Yeah it’s really weird, I had the extension all set up, and today it kept not working and saying it wasn’t updated (I updated everything, uninstalled it, reinstalled it, even tried on a different browser and downloading the extension fresh and it said it was out of date) and going default just says it can’t verify and I tried later today and now apparently the server isn’t responding ...
I made a free PDF editor that works in your browser
I feel exactly the same. You just made the painful process of all things job-hunting slightly less painful. In the past, I had been duped into forking over money for a PDF I'd worked on using a "free" tool just to free it from being held hostage.
Apr 7, 2015 · 一般来说,我建议你先学 Solidworks ,然后 Pro/E 、 UG 都会跟着通。 三维建模的原理都大同小异,所以会用一个,其他的都差不多。Solidworks建模的思想比较经典和通用,所以先学它是可行的一种方案。