BIG | Bjarke Ingels Group
BIG has grown organically over the last two decades from a founder, to a family, to a force of 700. Our latest transformation is the BIG LEAP: Bjarke Ingels Group of Landscape, Engineering, Architecture, Planning and Products.
Jinji Lake Pavilion | BIG | Bjarke Ingels Group
Our latest transformation is the BIG LEAP: Bjarke Ingels Group of Landscape, Engineering, Architecture, Planning and Products. A plethora of in-house perspectives allows us to see what none of us would be able to see on our own.
BIG HQ | BIG | Bjarke Ingels Group
BIG HQ is BIG’s first example of fully integrated LEAP design – a collaboration between Landscape, Engineering, Architecture and Product designers. Everything from door handles to concrete columns – from urban design to glass facades has been given form by …
Opera and Ballet Theatre of Kosovo | BIG | Bjarke Ingels Group
BIG proposes a simple and prag matic arrangement of the performance venues draped in a soft, undulating exterior skin of photovoltaic tiles. The theatre ’s form is reminiscent of the free-flowing shapes of a performer’s costume and the Xhubleta , a bell-shaped folk skirt traditionally worn by women in Kosovo .
BIG BCN Office | BIG | Bjarke Ingels Group
BIG has grown organically over the last two decades from a founder, to a family, to a force of 700. Our latest transformation is the BIG LEAP: Bjarke Ingels Group of Landscape, Engineering, Architecture, Planning and Products.
Freedom Plaza | BIG | Bjarke Ingels Group
Freedom Plaza will extend BIG’s contribution to New York City’s waterfront, alongside adjacent coastal projects that include the East Side Coastal Resiliency project, the Battery Park City Resiliency project and River Ring in Brooklyn.
Sankt Lukas Hospice and Lukashuset | BIG | Bjarke Ingels Group
A small step for each of us becomes a BIG LEAP for all of us. BIG has grown organically over the last two decades from a founder, to a family, to a force of 700. Our latest transformation is the BIG LEAP: Bjarke Ingels Group of Landscape, Engineering, Architecture, Planning and Products.
Ellsinore Psychiatric Hospital | BIG | Bjarke Ingels Group
Before designing the new Ellsinore Psychiatric Hospital, BIG dove into the programmatic requirements and needs of the client, as well as the daily users of the clinic, it’s staff, patients and relatives.
AARhus Residences | BIG | Bjarke Ingels Group
A small step for each of us becomes a BIG LEAP for all of us. BIG has grown organically over the last two decades from a founder, to a family, to a force of 700. Our latest transformation is the BIG LEAP: Bjarke Ingels Group of Landscape, Engineering, Architecture, Planning and Products.
National Theatre of Albania | BIG | Bjarke Ingels Group
A small step for each of us becomes a BIG LEAP for all of us. BIG has grown organically over the last two decades from a founder, to a family, to a force of 700. Our latest transformation is the BIG LEAP: Bjarke Ingels Group of Landscape, Engineering, Architecture, Planning and Products.