Achilles :: The Trojan War Hero - Greek Mythology
The Trojan War Achilles' anger with Agamemnon is the main theme of Homer’s “Iliad” which recounts the last year of the Trojan War, during which Achilles first withdraws from battle and …
Shield of Achilles - Greek Mythology
The Shield of Achilles is the shield that the Greek hero used during his duel against Hector, prince of Troy, towards the end of the Trojan War. Achilles had given his armour to his friend …
Iliad :: Homer's Epic Poem of the Trojan War - Greek Mythology
The Iliad is an ancient Greek epic poem by Homer, recounting significant events during the final weeks of the Trojan War.
Patroclus - Greek Mythology
Patroclus at the Trojan War During the Trojan War, Patroclus was a valiant soldier. When the Trojans had taken the advantage and were threatening the Greek ships, Patroclus convinced …
Hector - Greek Mythology
Achilles chased him, and Hector finally decided to battle his fear and stopped running, after seeing the goddess Athena in the form of his brother Deiphobus. Achilled threw a spear …
Ajax - Greek Mythology
Ajax Portrayal He was described as being particularly tall, extremely strong and fearless. His teacher was the Centaur Chiron, and he was taught side by side with the great hero Achilles.
Neoptolemus - Greek Mythology
Neoptolemus was the son of the hero Achilles and the princess Deidamia in Greek mythology. Achilles ' mother, the goddess Thetis, had foreseen that her son would die in a great war.
Polyxena - Greek Mythology
Polyxena was a princess of Troy in Greek mythology, daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba. She was the Trojan equivalent of Iphigenia, daughter of A...
Peleus - Greek Mythology
Peleus was a hero in Greek mythology, son of Aeacus, king of the island of Aegina, and Endeis, an oread nymph. He was the husband of the nymph Thetis, with whom he fathered the famous …
Chiron - Greek Mythology
Chiron's Home and Family He lived on Mount Pelion with his consort, the nymph Chariclo, with whom he had three daughters, Hippe, Endeis, and Ocyrhoe; as well as a son, Carystus. His …