Achilles :: The Trojan War Hero - Greek Mythology
Achilles' anger with Agamemnon is the main theme of Homer’s “Iliad” which recounts the last year of the Trojan War, during which Achilles first withdraws from battle and then, enraged by the …
Shield of Achilles - Greek Mythology
Achilles' mother, the goddess Thetis, asked Hephaestus to forge a new armour to provide her son. The shield was described in detail by Homer in his epic Iliad, and it was said to depict a …
Hector - Greek Mythology
The last fight that Hector gave was against Achilles. However, when he saw Achilles and while he was ready to fight him, he suddenly was overcome with fear and started running. Achilles …
Iliad :: Homer's Epic Poem of the Trojan War - Greek Mythology
Patroclus' Death and Achilles' Return Desperate to repel the Trojans, Achilles' close friend and companion, Patroclus, dons Achilles' armor and leads the Myrmidons into battle. Patroclus is …
Neoptolemus - Greek Mythology
While there, Achilles had an affair with the princess Deidamia; from this union, Neoptolemus was born. Helenus , a Trojan seer, was captured by the Greeks and was forced to tell them that …
Trojan War - Greek Mythology
Now that Achilles was out of the action, the Trojans started winning battle after a battle, eventually driving the Greeks back to their ships and almost setting the ships on fire. Patroclus, Achilles’ …
Patroclus - Greek Mythology
Patroclus at the Trojan War During the Trojan War, Patroclus was a valiant soldier.When the Trojans had taken the advantage and were threatening the Greek ships, Patroclus convinced …
Memnon - Greek Mythology
When Memnon reached the Greek ships, Nestor asked Achilles to fight the Ethiopian king, and Achilles agreed. The two men, wearing divine armour made by the god Hephaestus, were the …
Troy the Movie - Greek Mythology
Achilles took the priestess of Apollo, Briseis, as a trophy, but after Agamemnon claimed her for himself, Achilles decided not to help the Mycenaean king when the siege of the city started. …
Iphigenia in Aulis by Euripides - Greek Mythology
Achilles interrupts the Chorus’ song with a complaint about the delay: unable to restrain his Myrmidon army, he has come to the tent of Agamemnon to search for some answers. Instead, …