Zdog · Round, flat, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas …
Zdog is a 3D JavaScript engine for <canvas> and SVG. With Zdog, you can design and render simple 3D models on the Web. Zdog is a pseudo -3D engine. Its geometries exist in 3D space, but are rendered as flat shapes. This makes Zdog special. Zdog is small. 2,100 lines of code for the entire library. 28KB minified. Zdog is round.
Getting started - Zdog
This page will walk you through how to design, display, and animate a basic 3D model with Zdog. Zdog is rendered on a <canvas> or <svg> element. Set width and height attributes to set the size. Add the Zdog JavaScript file to your page. For quick demos, add the CDN URL. Finally add a <script> for your demo’s JS file.
Modeling - Zdog
Zdog models are built with shapes. Shapes can be positioned with translate. Their positions are relative. For instance, when added to an Illustration, shapes are positioned relative to the Illustration ’s origin. addTo: illo, translate: { z: 40 }, // z +40 from illo // ... let xRect = new Zdog.Rect({ addTo: illo,
Characters | Zenless Zone Zero Official Site - HoYoverse
Make your preparations there, find strong allies, and most importantly— Find a "Proxy". Only they can guide people out of the maze-like Hollows. Good luck!
让你成为灵魂画手的 JS 引擎:Zdog - 腾讯云
今天给大家推荐一个使用 JavaScript 语言编写的开源 Web 3D 模型项目 —— Zdog。 Tips: 本文出现的所有作品都是通过 Zdog 完成的。 圆形、扁平、设计师友好用于 canvas 和 SVG 的伪 3D 引擎。 使用 Zdog 您可以在 Web 上设计和渲染简单的 3D 模型。 Zdog 是一个伪 3D 引擎。 它的几何形状存在于 3D 空间中,但呈现为扁平形状,这使 Zdog 特别。 体积小:整个库只有 2100 行代码,最小体积为 28 KB。 图形圆滑:所有的圆形都呈现为圆边,没有多边形锯齿。 使用友好: …
GitHub - metafizzy/zdog: Flat, round, designer-friendly pseudo …
Zdog is directly inspired by Dogz, a virtual pet game by P.F. Magic released in 1995. It used flat 2D circle sprites to render the Dogz’ models, but in a 3D scene. See Dogz playthrough video here. Dogz were fully animated in real time, running, flopping, scratching (on Windows 3.1!). It was remarkable. Zdog uses the same principle.
Zdog - Best of JS
Zdog is directly inspired by Dogz, a virtual pet game by P.F. Magic released in 1995. It used flat 2D circle sprites to render the Dogz’ models, but in a 3D scene. See Dogz playthrough video here. Dogz were fully animated in real time, running, flopping, scratching (on Windows 3.1!). It was remarkable. Zdog uses the same principle.
zdog: zdog 是一个圆形、扁平、设计师友好的伪3D引擎 - Gitee
Zdog is directly inspired by Dogz, a virtual pet game by P.F. Magic released in 1995. It used flat 2D circle sprites to render the Dogz’ models, but in a 3D scene. See Dogz playthrough video here. Dogz were fully animated in real time, running, flopping, scratching (on Windows 3.1!). It was remarkable. Zdog uses the same principle.
探索Zdog:轻量级的伪3D引擎 - CSDN博客
2024年5月10日 · Zdog 是一款由 Dave 为了实现个人视频游戏梦想而开发的轻量级3D引擎。 它的灵感来源于1995年的虚拟宠物游戏 Dogz,通过2D圆形精灵在3D场景中的应用,实现了3D效果。 Zdog 使用 HTML5 的 <canvas> 或 <svg> 元素来绘制所有形状,如圆环实际上就是点,圆柱体是粗线,而球体则由多个点构成。 这种简单却高效的技巧,让你无需深厚的技术背景即可构建出引人入胜的3D模型。 Zdog 的核心技术源于 Peter Collingridge 的旋转3D形状理论,它利用简单 …
metafizzy/zdog - GitHub
Zdog is directly inspired by Dogz, a virtual pet game by P.F. Magic released in 1995. It used flat 2D circle sprites to render the Dogz’ models, but in a 3D scene. See Dogz playthrough video here. Dogz were fully animated in real time, running, flopping, scratching (on Windows 3.1!). It was remarkable. Zdog uses the same principle.