Downloads - zetta.com.hk
Zetta DVR auto file copy tool (Windows only) Description A Windows software to auto copy files from microSD card to local computer and use sftp to transfer to remote server.
Zetta Z12 is an intelligent security camcorder with multiple triggering methods and multi auto on/off modes. The camcorder comes with a built-in rechargeable battery which can
DVR : HD Wide Angle Security Z16 - zetta.com.hk
Zetta Z16 HD intelligent security camcorder. 5V DC Adapter. USB 2.0 cable. Quick Start Guide
Mini intelligent security camera
Mini security camera manufacturer in Hong Kong Copyright © All rights reserved.
微型智能監控攝錄機 - zetta.com.hk
zh en 微型智能監控攝錄機; 關於我們. 公司資訊; 聯絡我們; 條款和細則
WiFi camera : Z6-MOTION Detection - zetta.com.hk
The Zetta Z6 WiFi Hidden Camera is intended to improve the overall security of your house. For security purposes, the device has a unique hotspot (UID – Unit’s Identity) that can only be …
產品 - zetta.com.hk
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64 - 256 GB microSD card support - zetta.com.hk
Windows: download and run the FAT32Format (Z82 / Z86) or Zetta Widget (Z12 / Z15 / Z16 / Z18 / ZIR32) to format it as FAT32. Quit all other programs including the anti-virus, firewall, …
下載 - zetta.com.hk
Zetta Widget (適用於 Windows, Z12 / Z15 / Z16 / Z18 / ZIR32) 簡介 時間同步及更改數碼攝錄機設定的視窗應用程式。更新設定時要將microSD卡放入DVR, 然後連上電腦。
目前,從曲奇檔案收集到的資料用於提高 Zetta 服務的功能。 Zetta 服務所提供的資料,是根據本公司就用戶對 Zetta 服務的累積使用進行分析,然後加以組織和編排的。曲奇檔案有助於使登 …