ZBD86A - Weaponsystems.net
The ZBD86A is a mechanized infantry fighting vehcile of Chinese origin. It is an upgraded and rearmed variant of the Type 86, whichs is a reverse engineered Soviet BMP-1. In the early …
ZBD86 | War Thunder Wiki
After unsuccessful attempts to equip the vehicle with American and British turrets, the ZBD86 received upgraded 25/30 mm autocannon turrets in the late 1990s, resulting in the ZBD86-I …
ZBD86 - War Thunder Wiki
The ZhuangJia BuBing LÜDai 86 (ZBD86式步兵战车; industry code: WZ501) is the Chinese reverse-engineered version of the Soviet BMP-1 which was acquired from military equipment …
ZBD86A:Chinese hounds - Ground - War Thunder - Official Forum
2024年5月6日 · ZBD86A is a mechanized infantry fighting vehicle of Chinese origin. It is an upgraded and rearmed variant of the ZBD86, which is a reverse-engineered Soviet BMP-1. In …
ZBD-86步兵战车 - 百度百科
ZBD-86步兵战车(研制代号:WZ501,英文:Type 86 Infantry fighting vehicle,简称:86式步兵战车),是20世纪80年代 中国 北方工业集团公司研制的第一代 步兵战车。 该车是以苏联 …
Type 86 Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Chinese PLA
Noticeably also the Type 86 was the base for the modern-days Iranian Boragh IFV, a recent vehicle still in production, which makes this 1960s design alive and kicking! At first glance …
中国陆军第2代步战车—ZBD-86A步兵战车 - 哔哩哔哩
zbd-86a型步战车属于中国的第二代步兵战车。86a车重约13吨,长6.7米,宽2.9米。车上乘员3人,在后部的载员舱内可以乘坐8名士兵。86a步兵战车装备了一个30mm自动炮塔,车载的火控 …
中国ZBD-86步兵战车及部分衍生车型 - 百家号
2024年3月19日 · 本文介绍了中国第一型履带式步兵战车ZBD-86及其各种改型。 ZBD-86仿制自苏联BMP-1步兵战车,后经过多种改进,包括增加发动机功率、安装反坦克导弹等。 为适应两 …
第22期:中国履带型步兵战车大全 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
ZBD-86A步兵战车:自90年代中期以来,我国开始生产86式步兵战车的改进型,命名为ZBD-86A步兵战车。 新车的主要区别在于发动机通过涡轮增压到400马力,这显着提高了步兵战车的机动 …
ZBD-86 - Official Armored Warfare Wiki
Class: Infantry Fighting Vehicle Developed: 1980-1985 Service: 1986+ Vehicles Built: 1000-7000 (sources vary) Operators: China, Iran, Iraq, Burma In the late 1970s, 15 long years after the …
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