ZAP70 - Wikipedia
ZAP-70 (Zeta-chain-associated protein kinase 70) is a protein normally expressed near the surface membrane of lymphocytes (T cells, natural killer cells, and a subset of B cells). [5] . It is most prominently known to be recruited upon antigen binding to the T cell receptor (TCR), and it plays a critical role in T cell signaling.
癌症免疫治疗相关的TCR信号通路研究新进展 - 知乎
蛋白质组学研究发现lck的负反馈调节主要受zap70影响。抑制zap70催化活性导致lck(y394)磷酸化增加,y192磷酸化降低。y192磷酸化导致lck对cd3ζ链的itam磷酸化减少,改变sh2结构域对特定配体的特异性,抑制lck催化活性并减弱下游信号激活。 zap70节点的调节
T 细胞受体相关蛋白激酶 70 的 zeta 链(ZAP70)基因 | MCE
该基因编码一种属于蛋白酪氨酸激酶家族的酶,它在 T 细胞发育和淋巴细胞活化中发挥作用。 这种酶在 T 细胞抗原受体 (TCR) 刺激后在酪氨酸残基上磷酸化,在 TCR 介导的信号转导的初始步骤中与 Src 家族激酶 Lck 和 Fyn 结合发挥作用。 这种酶对于胸腺细胞的发育也是必不可少的。 该基因的突变会导致选择性 T 细胞缺陷,这是一种严重的联合免疫缺陷病,其特征是选择性缺乏 CD8 阳性 T 细胞。 已为该基因发现了编码不同亚型的两种转录物变体。 [RefSeq 提供,2008 年 7 月]
ZAP70 Gene - GeneCards | ZAP70 Protein | ZAP70 Antibody
Dec 25, 2024 · ZAP70 (Zeta Chain Of T Cell Receptor Associated Protein Kinase 70) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with ZAP70 include Immunodeficiency 48 and Autoimmune Disease, Multisystem, Infantile-Onset, 2. Among its related pathways are Immune response NFAT in immune response and TCR Signaling (Qiagen).
ZAP-70: An Essential Kinase in T-cell Signaling - PMC
ZAP-70 is a cytoplasmic protein tyrosine kinase that plays a critical role in the events involved in initiating T-cell responses by the antigen receptor. Here we review the structure of ZAP-70, its regulation, its role in development and in disease.
应用分享 7—免疫治疗中 TCR 信号的单个分子开关——小分子信号 …
Nov 15, 2019 · Zeta-chain-associated protein kinase 70(ZAP70)是在 T 细胞信号转导过程中具有关键作用的胞质酪氨酸蛋白激酶,当 T 细胞接触到激活信号时,CD3ζ ITAM 发生磷酸化并与 ZAP70 蛋白的 SH2 结构域结合,使得 ZAP70 蛋白发生磷酸化作用并激活下游级联反应。
ZAP-70: an essential kinase in T-cell signaling - PubMed
ZAP-70 is a cytoplasmic protein tyrosine kinase that plays a critical role in the events involved in initiating T-cell responses by the antigen receptor. Here we review the structure of ZAP-70, its regulation, its role in development and in disease.
ZAP70 holds the key to kinetic proofreading for TCR ligand ...
Aug 31, 2022 · In an elegant study using in-depth time-resolved analyses of the total TCR-stimulated phosphoproteome and protein–protein interactions in CD8 + T cells, the authors identify full activation of the...
ZAP70 -Related Combined Immunodeficiency - National Center …
Oct 20, 2009 · ZAP70-related combined immunodeficiency (ZAP70-related CID) is a cell-mediated immunodeficiency caused by abnormal T-cell receptor (TCR) signaling. Affected children usually present in the first year of life with recurrent bacterial, viral, and opportunistic infections, diarrhea, and failure to thrive.
ZAP70: a master regulator of adaptive immunity - PubMed
In this review, we will discuss the role of ZAP70 in T cell activation and focus on what we learnt from pathological conditions associated with defective expression or activity of the ZAP70 kinase.