Zürcher Verkehrsverbund (ZVV) – Gemeinsam vorwärts
Öffentlicher Verkehr im Kanton Zürich: Fahrplan, Abos und Tickets, ZVV-App, Kundendienst, Newsletter und über 300 Freizeittipps.
Zurich Transport Network (ZVV)
Public transport in the canton of Zurich: timetable, travelcards and tickets, ZVV app, customer service, newsletter and over 300 tips to fill your free time.
Online Fahrplan - zvv.ch
Mit dem ZVV-Online-Fahrplan schnell und einfach Verbindungen in der ganzen Schweiz finden, inkl. Zusatzinformationen zu Störungen oder hindernisfreiem Reisen.
Zürcher Verkehrsverbund - Wikipedia
The Zürcher Verkehrsverbund (ZVV, Zurich Transport Network) is the largest public transportation network in Switzerland. It covers the canton of Zurich and adjacent areas.
ZVV - Apps on Google Play
Dec 20, 2024 · • Overview of all current status updates affecting the ZVV network • Check-in ticket with automatic journey tracking for carefree travel • Ticket purchase via the timetable query (across...
ZVV on the App Store
• Purchase and renewal of ZVV and Z-Pass travelcards with just a few clicks • Quick access to all valid tickets via homepage • Digital presentation of travelcards and discounts with SwissPass Mobile • Refund of unused tickets directly in the app • Download of sales and refund receipts
ZVV: travelcards, tickets, information - SBB
ZVV (Zurich Transport Network): Travelling in the canton of Zurich. Whether you need a day pass or multiple-journey ticket, a individual ticket, group ticket or travelcard – ZVV has a suitable product for every travel requirement.
Getting Around in Zurich by Public Transportation
All the transportation companies are united in the Zurich Transport Association (ZVV), which is why one ticket can be used on all forms of transportation on the city network. This also includes boats, funicular railways, and cable cars.
Tickets - ZVV
Einzelbillett, Tageskarten, Mehrfahrtenkarte zum Stempeln oder Tickets für die Gruppenreise: Im ZVV gibt es für jeden Reisezweck das passende Ticket.
Discover full travel freedom with the Half Fare PLUS! Benefit from bonus advantages and a money-back guarantee – available easily via the ZVV app or in the ticket shop.