Thoughts on the ZT 0462? | Page 2 | BladeForums.com
Feb 3, 2015 · ZT went to great lengths to reduce the weight by extensively milling out the ti lock bar side. They even included a Zero Tolerance script inside the lockbar - a cool addition. I also really like the red carbon fiber scale, hopefully you can see the milling of the logo and the red in the CF in this picture, as well as the custom pivot hardware:
Zt 0462 vs zt 0452 - BladeForums.com
Oct 16, 2018 · just got a 462 a few days ago . The action is unbelievable. The 452 is awesome as well but the 462 is better . Does the 462 have an extra washer on the titanium side that the bearings ride on that the 452 does not , or maby just the blade shape and weight and orientation of the blade that provides the advantage over the 452 .
ZT 462, Bestech Shinkensen, Twosun TS139 - BladeForums.com
Apr 18, 2022 · Thinning the herd today. US sales only please, shipping will be via USPS first class or priority. ( May be willing to use other couriers if you feel strongly about it). Payment methods preferred in this order: Paypal FF, Zelle, Crypto preferred. Willing to …
ZT 0562 Aftermarket Black Scale - BladeForums.com
May 1, 2017 · I'm considering a ZT and the 0562 looks great. However I'm a big fan of all black knives and there isn't a black wash version of this one yet. I'm thinking of buying the 562 Orange and replacing the scale. Are there any good aftermarket makers of just scales for ZT knives? Would ZT sell a black...
Sold ZT 462 LNIB PRICE DROP - BladeForums.com
Mar 17, 2020 · The first “I’ll take it” followed by a PM, E-Mail, or text message followed by immediate payment get it. Please have the cash ready if you say you want it. My email is [email protected] and my number is (501)351-7158. The buyer is responsible for reviewing all pictures and I’m am happy to...
ZT 462 , Ryworx Omeme - BladeForums.com
May 13, 2022 · Selling off some extras today. Shipping via USPS in the USA only. Paypal FF or Cash app vastly preferred payment methods. I try to rate knives conservatively, but please look at photos and feel free to ask questions. ZT 0462: Carried a few times, used for light cutting tasks. I am not the first...
ZT 0462 and ZT 0393 available low serial #s.... - BladeForums.com
ZT 462 various serial #'s under #045 and ZT0393 between #0157-0166 Call, email or website [email protected]... Knife Exchange FEEDBACK: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly!
Matt Lamey Custom Bowie | BladeForums.com
Oct 19, 1999 · All prices shown include shipping (in the USA) I ONLY accept Paypal FF (gift) or Zelle due to recent and interesting political policies.
Benchmade 860 (Bedlam) or ZT 0452cf | Page 2 - BladeForums.com
Sep 2, 2018 · For EDC, neither is a good choice for most people because they are both freaking huge. But if you are settled to have one of them as your EDC, I'd say ZT 0452cf because it is more pocketable and its blade shape is more useful for most tasks. Value wise (including resale value), there is no...
*ALL SOLD* Zero Tolerance 0303, 0223, 0450CF | BladeForums.com
Aug 2, 2021 · If in the market to try out the ZT BEAST, you won't be disappointed with this one! Comes in ZT pouch, no box/docs. PRICE: TRADED Zero Tolerance 0223 (LNIB) One of ZT's most overlooked and underrated models. Pays homage to ZT's hard use/built tough methodology and maintains the silky smooth action as they're known for.