ZT 320 Series Disintegration Tester - ERWEKA
ZT 320 series is available with up to 4 racks for baskets with either 3 or 6 test stations. 55 ± 2 mm stroke height. Accuracy ± 0.2°C, temperature range 30-50°C. Automated lift-in and lift-out of the basket rack assembly/ies on start/completion of the preset run time of each test station.
ZT 320 - Disintegration Testers - Physical Testers - erweka.com
在 zt 320 系列崩解测试仪上,测试站(1 至 4 个)都是单独驱动的。 为了保证卓越的质量和最高的易用性,每个测试站都由自己的键盘控制。 在对所需的测试运行时间进行设定后,装有样品的篮架组件会自动下降到介质中。
温度测试仪 - ZT 320 - ERWEKA GmbH - 分解 / 用于制药业 / 台式
MedicalExpo(医疗网上展览会)为您提供温度测试仪产品详细信息。规格型号:ZT 320,公司品牌:ERWEKA GmbH。直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。寻找更多国外精选温度测试仪产品和供应商采购信息,尽在MedicalExpo。
Disintegration Testers - Physical Testers - ERWEKA
ERWEKAs 100% USP conform disintegration tester are available as manual or fully automated disintegration tester, both with basket Type A and Type B. The ZT 730 flagship disintegration tester enables automated disintegration detection with its cable-free AirBasket.
Fortschritt ZT 320 – Wikipedia
Die Zug- Traktoren der Baureihe Fortschritt ZT 320 und 323 sind Universal-Traktoren der 20 kN-Zugkraftklasse, die ab 1984 in der DDR als Nachfolger der ZT-300er-Reihe hergestellt wurden. Hersteller war der VEB Traktorenwerk Schönebeck (Elbe), der zum Kombinat Fortschritt Landmaschinen gehörte.
Fortschritt ZT 320 - Wikipedia
Fortschritt ZT 320 is a series of agricultural tractors made by the East German manufacturer VEB Traktorenwerk Schönebeck. It was produced from 1983 to 1990, and succeeded the ZT 300 series. Unlike its predecessor, the ZT 320 series came in only two models, the rear-wheel drive ZT 320, and the all-wheel drive ZT 323.
ZT 320 - Smart Resources For Equipment - smarteq-sa.com
Quick-Clean basket (100 % USP/EP/JP compliant) for fast cleaning of the test stations. No tools required for assembly and disassembly. On the ZT 320 disintegration testers series, the test stations (one to four) are driven individually.
Disintegration Testers - Disintegration Testers - ERWEKA
The ZT 320 disintegration testers come with one to four individually operated test stations, each connected to an individual keypad for easy setting of the required run-time parameters as well as automated lift-in, lift-out functionality.
Тестер для измерения температуры - ZT 320 - ERWEKA GmbH
Тестеры распадаемости серии ZT 320 могут оснащаться сборными корзинами с системой “быстрой очистки” (100% соответствие USP/EP/JP) и корзинами типа “B” с тремя большими цилиндрами для проведения испытаний. Также доступна вся валидационная документация и таблетки для PQ теста с указанным времен распада.
Zt 320 kleinanzeigen.de
Zündschloß zt 320 Serie,zt323,zt325,Multicar,ifa,Fortschritt. Werkstattfund -Zündschloß zt 320 Serie. 70 € Agrarfahrzeuge 3 01877 Demitz- Thumitz ...